Chapter 498
Chapter 499

Seeing Aunt Li approaching again, Mei Ziniang rushed forward and slapped Aunt Li severely on the ear, angrily said: "You still have the face to talk? Are you justified by occupying a girl? I gave birth to you Daughter, I can do whatever I want, you have no control over me."

Aunt Li was beaten by her. Although she is a woman, she has never been beaten in these years. The one who beat her was her in-laws who she had always respected in the past.

Meizi rushed forward and used her body to protect Aunt Li's body, and said sharply, "Mother, what are you doing? How can you hit someone?"

Mei Ziniang snorted coldly: "I hit her, what is she? Back then when the beggars wanted to let you into their house, they were polite to me. Look now, they don't even let you in. Not to mention drinking a sip of water, is there anyone who does things like her?"

If women play tricks, they are no worse than men, black can become white, and white can become black.

Mei Ziniang glanced at Meizi and said angrily, "You have to go with us today no matter what, there is no need to discuss it."

Meizi shook her head: "Impossible, unless I die."

At this time, Niu Da, who had been standing behind Mei Zi's father, suddenly whispered a few words to Mei Zi's father. Mei Zi's face changed slightly when he heard this, but then a cold and fierce light flashed in his cloudy triangular eyes, and he turned his head towards Niu Da. He nodded, turned around and walked towards Meizi, grabbing the child from her hand.

Meizi didn't notice for a while, the child was snatched by him, she was scared out of her wits immediately, and said with a white face: "Father, what are you doing? Return my child quickly."

Mei Zi's father said harshly: "Tell me, are you willing to go with us?"

Meizi cried, "Father, return my child first, if you have something to say, talk it out, and let's talk it out if you have something to say."

Mei Zi's father suddenly lifted the child up and shouted: "If you say no, I'll throw him to death."

The neighbors outside became louder and louder, and some people who really couldn't see it yelled a few words to tell them not to go too far.

But when Niu Da's fierce eyes swept towards the crowd at the door, the crowd immediately fell silent. No one knew that Niu Da was a local ruffian who had also learned kung fu. Offending him would not end well.

Seeing that her father's eyes were red, Meizi was afraid that he would really drop the child, so she hurriedly cried and nodded: "I promise, I promise, I will return the baby to me."

When Mei Zi's father heard this, he grinned: "Isn't it over if I promised earlier?"

He was about to withdraw his raised hand when suddenly a stone hit his knee, causing him pain and tilting his body, the child in his hand lost his grip and fell out.

Meizi screamed and was so frightened that she was about to faint. Seeing that the child was about to fall to the ground, a figure jumped out from nowhere and narrowly caught the child who was about to fall to the ground.

Meizi was so frightened that her legs and feet went limp and she fell to the ground. The man glanced at the child and saw that the child was fine, so he hugged the child and handed it to Meizi.

Meizi hugged the child tightly and cried with her mouth open, but she couldn't make a sound, only tears kept falling.

At this moment, Jian Yun came out from the crowd, and glanced sideways at Niu Da who was standing aside. She could see clearly the small movement of Niu Da hitting the stone just now.

Niu Da felt a chill all over his body, and met the gazes of the few people walking out of the crowd, all of them were as cold as ice when they looked at him.

Chu Tianqi clenched his hands tightly, and his small face was full of anger. He gave Niu a big look, then walked towards the Meizi parents again, and said angrily: "You two are simply inferior to beasts, and you are not worthy of being parents. mother."

(End of this chapter)

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