Chapter 499

Chapter 500

Mei Zi's father snorted, "Who are you? Our family's business is none of your business? Just mind your own business."

Chu Tianqi said: "Everyone can take care of the injustices in the world, and we will take care of them."

Zheng Zhongwen patted Chu Tianqi on the shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Be safe and don't be impatient, just watch me."

Zheng Zhongwen walked up to Mei Zi's father, and said: "We all saw what you just did when you threw the child. This is not a housework. This is called attempted murder, and robbing civilian girls. If you are arrested in the yamen, What do you think should be judged?"

Mei Zi's father turned pale, and said with a trembling voice, "You, what are you talking nonsense about? Which eye of yours saw that I killed someone? Who, who died?"

Zheng Zhongwen shrugged: "That's why it's called attempted murder. You wanted to kill, but you didn't kill. There are more than our eyes here. There are many people who have seen it outside. The government will send someone to ask. You can't help it." It's a felony to rob a civilian girl, what's the matter? Do you dare to do it or not?"

Seeing this, Mei Ziniang squeezed her waist in front of Zheng Zhongwen, and said loudly: "Where did you come from, you are just talking nonsense here, this Meizi is our daughter, how can I become a strong woman if I take her home?" Stealing the women?"

Zheng Zhongwen looked at the crying Meizi, and snorted, "Take her home? Then why didn't she want to? Since she didn't want to, why did you forcefully bring her back? Isn't this a robbery? What is it? You say she belongs to you." Daughter, but in the same way, she is also the daughter-in-law of this family, she is a member of this family after marrying, she is willing to stay here, no one can force her to remarry, otherwise, it will be forced."

Seeing that there were many people on the other side, Niu Da knew that he would not be able to please him, so he quietly retreated.

Jian Yun said to Zheng Zhongwen: "Why bother talking nonsense with them, I will send people to report to the officials, and they will all be arrested. First, they will make dozens of boards, and they will naturally know that they are wrong."

Meizi's parents looked terrified, they were not too young, and after dozens of boards, they would not die or be disabled.

Seeing that Niu Da had left, they stopped talking nonsense and withdrew when the opportunity came.

Seeing that Niu Da and Meizi's parents had left, the people outside the door also dispersed and went home. After all, other people's affairs are other people's affairs. No matter how concerned they are, they can't help them.

Jian Yun helped Meizi get up, and said softly, "Are you okay?"

Meizi wiped away the tears from her face, choked up and said, "Thank you for your help."

Jian Yun helped her walk to the chair beside the small wooden bed: "Sit down and talk."

Aunt Li was also relieved. Seeing that the children and daughter-in-law were fine, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and brought some tea out: "The family is poor, and there is nothing to entertain everyone. Let's drink some water."

Zheng Zhongwen was not polite, he brought a bowl of water to Chu Tianqi, poured another bowl for himself to drink, and said with a smile: "This must be well water, sweet and clear."

Aunt Li said: "I made you laugh."

Jian Yun waved his hand and said: "Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite. How can we make a joke when you encounter this situation? Sit down, we came here specially to find you."

Upon hearing this, Aunt Li hurriedly sat down beside Jian Yun, and asked, "Do you have anything to do with our family?"

Jian Yun explained in the future that Aunt Li was not too surprised when she heard it, and sighed: "We don't have a man, so it's useless to keep this boat. It's better to sell it, so as not to be missed by others."

The sons of her uncle's family took turns to borrow a boat from their house recently. If things go on like this, the boat will be destroyed in their hands sooner or later.

(End of this chapter)

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