Chapter 521
Chapter 522

Min Hengzhi nodded, this was within his expectations, Rong Yue has a tough character and a kind heart, but that doesn't mean she doesn't hold grudges, on the contrary, she holds grudges very much.

"Where's Chu Tianxin?" He asked.

She looked at him sideways, and said with a half-smile: "If I hurt Chu Tianxin, will you feel bad?"

Min Hengzhi shook his head: "No, if you don't make a move, I will. She killed the woman I love the most, and I will never let her go."

She smiled, and the sarcasm in her eyes became more intense: "The woman you love the most died because of you. What were you doing when you heard the news of her death?"

What were you doing when you learned of her death?
He was in the palace, fighting with the trusted guards of Emperor Chu, and all the first-class guards died under his sword. He thought that as long as he did these things well, Chu Lian would let Tian Yu go, and he would do it. To his promise, let him go out of the palace, wander around the world with Tian Yu, and never return to Beijing.

But what about the facts?After he killed the last Habayashi guard, his subordinates rushed to tell him that the eldest princess entered the palace with a sword and had already been killed by Chu Lian.

He will never forget the mood at that time, as if the sky had collapsed, there were countless thunders exploding above his head, he could no longer hear the sound, and all he saw was Tian Yu's smiling face, and he could no longer see other scenes, as if At this moment, the whole world collapsed into ruins.

He passed out, and when he woke up three days later, Tian Yu had already been buried, and he didn't even have time to see her for the last time.

Seeing his distraught appearance, she felt a tinge of pain in her heart, and a faint sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Do you know how Senior Sister died?"

Min Hengzhi returned to his senses, and the bitterness on his face became more and more obvious: "Chu Lian said it was a glass of poisoned wine, but I don't believe it. How could a cruel person like him be as simple as a glass of poisoned wine."

It turned out that he didn't know anything, no matter if he didn't know anything, it was all over, all over.

She took a deep breath, said no more, got up and said: "I have other matters, let's take a step first, and Madam Zhenghou's affairs, I'll leave it to you."

Min Hengzhi didn't leave her behind either, and was silent in pain, unable to extricate himself.

When she left the Crane Tower, she let out a long sigh of relief, her mood was unprecedentedly relaxed, she let go, really let go, no resentment or nostalgia for him, this feeling is really good.

The new emperor ascended the throne, and the whole country celebrated with joy. The city gates were kept open all night, and the red lights on the long streets were kept on. The whole city of Kyoto seemed to be boiling.

That night, the carriage parked at the side entrance of the Yongping Hou Mansion, took Mrs. Zheng Hou and several capable servants in the mansion, and took advantage of Wan Wu Tang's influence in the capital, quietly left the capital without a trace.

However, there is still a Mrs. Zheng Hou living in Yongping Hou's mansion. She is disguised by a servant who is very similar to Mrs. Zheng Hou in age and appearance. She hides in the inner hall and does not leave the door. Unexpectedly, the real Mrs. Zheng Hou has already left the capital, and she can no longer be a bargaining chip for Chu Lian to hold Master Zheng Hou.

It was cold in the late autumn night, Qi Rongyue lay on the bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep, there was no news of Zhongwen and Tianqi for a long time, and I don't know if they were okay on the way.

There was a slight sound outside the window, and she turned over quickly, holding the dagger under the pillow in her palm, and dodged into a corner beside the bed.

The window was opened from the outside, and a figure jumped into the room, with a handsome and vigorous figure, and landed silently.

In the faint moonlight, she saw that the man's face was covered with a black scarf, and his handsome eyes shone brightly under the moonlight.

(End of this chapter)

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