Chapter 522 You Look Like Her
Chapter 523

Although only one pair of eyes was exposed, she still recognized him at a glance.

"Min Hengzhi? What are you doing here?" She frowned and walked out of the corner.

Seeing her vigilance, he smiled and said, "It seems that the master taught you very well." He tore off the black scarf that covered his face, and said with a smile.

She didn't answer his words, but just stared at his face indifferently, waiting for him to answer her question.

Min Hengzhi lowered his voice and said: "These few days are a good opportunity. You have done everything you need to do, and now it's time to leave the capital. I have arranged for a carriage outside. You can come with me now."

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "I can't leave, I won't leave until Brother Qi brings the black cavalry back to Beijing."

"But it will be very dangerous for you to stay here. It is impossible for Chu Lian to not know about your relationship with Zheng Zhongwen. Once the matter of the Black Cavalry is exposed, and Longxi's paper will not be able to cover the fire for a long time. At that time, you will It will be very dangerous." Min Heng said anxiously.

Qi Rongyue smiled lightly: "I understand what you said, and I will act carefully. Chu Lian is smart, as long as I am still useful, as long as I have value, he will not touch me. Besides, I, Qi Rongyue Rong Yue is not so easy to be manipulated."

Min Hengzhi knew that she had some skills, but after all, she was just a lonely and weak woman, how could she fight against an overlord and demon like Chu Lian?
"Listen to my advice and leave tonight. Leave the rest to me. I will definitely not disappoint you." Min Hengzhi said earnestly.

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "This is what I have to do. I want to kill Chu Lian with my own hands. I don't want to do it to others. I also want to personally send Qidi to the throne of God, so as to comfort my senior sister's spirit in heaven."

No matter how difficult and dangerous the situation is, she must stay in the capital and cooperate with Qi's younger brother Zhongwen and the others. Otherwise, it would not be so easy for them to invade the capital.

Qi Rongyue in front of him stood in the dark shadows, he couldn't see her face clearly, he could only see her straight and slender figure, the faint stubborn eyes, she spoke very slowly, her words were clear, There is a sound on the ground, there is unquestionable firmness, and there is also a softness that makes people feel pity.

This kind of Qi Rongyue is all like Tian Yu, except for that face, they seem to be the same person, which can always give him the illusion that Tian Yu has returned and is back in front of him.

He stretched out his hand, wanting to grab her, the illusory but sometimes clear shadow.

She took a step back and looked at Min Hengzhi with cold eyes: "What are you doing?"

Suddenly aware of his gaffe, he hastily withdrew his hand and said awkwardly: "Sorry, I was distracted for a while."

Knowing that it would be useless to persuade him, he turned around to leave, the hand that pushed the window stretched out, then retracted, he turned around, looked at Qi Rongyue standing in the shadows, smiled wryly: "You are very similar to her, you really are. "

She didn't make a sound until Min Hengzhi's figure completely disappeared before her eyes, then she turned around, sat back on the edge of the bed, and sighed softly.

She has lived as Chu Tianyu for 18 years. Some habits cannot be changed just by changing them. She is already very careful, but she always shows signs of it in front of him. It seems that if it is not necessary in the future, it is best not to see him again.

Chu Palace - Hall of Two Hearts.

Qi Rongyue stood in front of the Hall of Two Hearts, looking up at the three characters of Hall of Two Hearts shining brightly in the sun, her chest was constantly tightening, and her slender palms gathered in her sleeves were clenched into fists.

This was originally the Anping Palace, the residence where the emperor personally wrote the word Anping for her, the place where she lived as a child, and the palace of her eldest princess.

(End of this chapter)

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