Chapter 524
Chapter 525

She looked at the angry Qi Rongyue with a smile on her face, and she felt more and more proud: "Speaking of which, I really envy you. There is such a man who loves you wholeheartedly. For you, he has worked so hard." Woolen cloth."

She sneered, looking away from her smiling face.

"The princess and the king of Jin have a deep relationship. It should be the daughters of the people who envy the princess."

Chu Tianxin didn't know that she had something to say, but he didn't care. As long as she thought that she would soon marry someone he didn't like, and be separated from Zheng Zhongwen, that annoying ghost, she would be very happy. So what about the ability to speak and speak?
Xingyuan Street.

When Qi Rongyue returned to her residence on Xingyuan Street, it was already noon, and there was a girl standing at the gate of the courtyard, who was sent here by Chief Manager Tian from the palace.

Xiaoli saw Qi Rongyue and Xueer approaching slowly from a distance, and hurried up to greet her: "Miss, you are back."

Qi Rongyue raised her eyebrows: "What happened?"

Xiaoli hurriedly said: "Yin Houye and his wife from the Wenchang Hou Mansion are here, and they are drinking tea in the living room. They have been waiting for you for two full hours."

Qi Rongyue asked: "Just Lord Yinhou and Mrs. Yinhou?"

Xiaoli said: "No, there is another master and wife, who seem to be the second master and wife of the Yin family."

Xue'er asked: "Yin Yixuan didn't come?" Her disappointment with Yin Yixuan had turned into disgust now, so naturally she would not be too polite when mentioning him.

Xiaoli shook her head: "I didn't come."

Qi Rongyue nodded: "Go in."

Still walking slowly, she walked through the small courtyard with the same elegance and composure as before, and came to the not-so-spacious hall.

Lord Yin Hou and Mrs. Yin Hou sat in the main seat, the second master and second wife sat at the bottom right seat, and there were only two seats at the bottom left, cold and empty.

She walked into the hall, blessed the four of them, and it was regarded as a ceremony.

She smiled and said: "The humble house is simple, today there are so many distinguished guests, I don't have any good things to entertain, I hope you can forgive me."

Lord Yin Hou concealed his embarrassment, and said with a smile: "My family, what you said is outrageous."

Qi Rongyue didn't answer his words, and turned to look at Mrs. Yin Er, she saw that although she had a smile on her face, she was very reluctant, and her sitting figure was a little awkward, and she didn't even dare to look at her. body.

"I don't know why Hou Ye is so motivating to come here today?" She asked.

Master Yin Hou glanced at his second brother, seeing that he didn't seem to intend to speak, so he could only bite the bullet and said with a dry smile: "It's like this, Princess Tianxin sent a message to Ben Hou today, asking Ben Hou to choose an auspicious date as soon as possible , let you marry Yixuan, and prevent her from thinking about it day and night."

She didn't make a sound, but only looked at the second master and second wife of the Yin family who were seated first on the right.

The second master of the Yin family knew that he couldn't do without opening his mouth, so he could only sigh: "Rong Yue, I know, this matter has wronged you, it's because Yi Xuan is ignorant, and I have persuaded him, but you don't like his temper." I know, no matter how hard I try to persuade you, I can't persuade you, so, this has brought trouble to this point, our Yin family, I really feel sorry for you."

Xue'er couldn't bear it any longer, took a step forward, and said in a sharp voice: "You also know that I'm sorry for my miss? You were the ones who dragged on and refused to fulfill the engagement, and you were the ones who wanted to call off the engagement. How are you doing now? Miss and Zheng Shizi are in love, and they are about to get married, you are lucky, you just came to get in this trouble and force my lady to marry your son, what is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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