Chapter 525
Chapter 526

"It is often said that it is better to demolish ten temples than to ruin a marriage. If you beat mandarin ducks like this, you will, and you will be punished." Xueer became more and more angry, and she couldn't control that much, anyway, the young lady didn't. Stop her, she will naturally say whatever she wants to say.

Qi Rongyue secretly laughed in her heart, presumably the two brothers, Lord Yin and Hou, have never been scolded like this in their entire life, and the one who scolded them is still a girl, so they probably feel very aggrieved.

She pretended to be sullen and said: "Xue'er, why are you so outspoken, why don't you go down?"

How could Xue'er not be able to tell whether the young lady was really angry or fake, knowing that it was the young lady protecting her, so she just snorted, turned around and left without looking back.

Qi Rongyue did not apologize to Lord Yin Hou, but walked to the empty chair at the lower left and sat down, and said in a low voice, "What do you guys think about this matter?"

Lord Yin Hou looked pale, and he didn't want to talk anymore, he just gave his second brother a look, like, you can take care of your own son's affairs, I don't mean that I can't do it anymore.

Second Master Yin looked embarrassed, if it was an ordinary relationship, it would be fine, but Rong Yue is the savior of their Yin family, and now this matter is indeed a kind of revenge.

He didn't know what to say, so he looked at his wife, and the second lady Yin also sighed, and finally said: "Rongyue, it's true that our Yin family has sorry for you, but it's over, what are you talking about?" It's also useless, Princess Tianxin and the emperor have made it clear that they want to force you to marry, although we have the intention, we are powerless."

"That is to say, I have to marry if I marry, or I have to marry if I don't?" She raised her eyebrows and asked back.

Mrs. Yin was full of guilt. If she didn't have a sweetheart, this matter would be easy to handle, but unfortunately, the news about her and Zheng Zhongwen had spread all over the capital. They knew that she had a heart, but they still came to force the marriage. . .

Qi Rongyue looked at the second Mrs. Yin who was downcast and silent, and suddenly changed the subject, saying: "This matter is not your fault, I will not blame you, but I will never forgive Yin Yixuan, I can marry, but Please bring a sentence to him, reincarnation in the world, karma has retribution, evil deeds, evil results, one day, he will pay the price for what he did today."

The complexions of the four elders of the Yin family all changed drastically. They never thought that such words that were close to curses would come from the mouth of a delicate and weak woman like Qi Rongyue.

Before they could recover from the shock, she had already got up: "That's the end of the conversation, so I won't send it away."

Originally, she still had some hope in the members of the Yin family, hoping that they would think of her and Mo Runiang's kindness to the Yin family, and go to Chu Lian to withdraw the marriage.

But they didn't, they didn't want to make Chu Lian unhappy just because of Qi Rongyue.

So, they chose to sacrifice her lifelong happiness, Qi Rongyue, heh——

Don't say that she is just an outsider, even if she is their own daughter, I'm afraid it can only end like this.

Since there is no sympathy to speak of, then tear your face apart and owe no one to anyone in the future.

She turned and left, Mrs. Yin got up and chased after two steps, but she couldn't call to stop her, what could she say?
After all, it was their fault, their son's fault.

You shouldn't force her to satisfy your own selfish desires. No one will be happy in the face of such a forced marriage.

Lord Yin frowned deeply, and thoughtfully said: "It seems that Miss Qi already hates us so much, even if she marries into our Yin family in the future, Yixuan's life will not be easy."

(End of this chapter)

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