Chapter 527
Chapter 528

Qi Rongyue laughed, "Fortunately."

Xue'er was puzzled: "What's lucky?"

She nodded Xue'er's forehead, and said with a smile, "Fortunately, it's just you who are blind, not me."

Xue'er stomped her feet resolutely: "Miss, it's already this time, you still have the mind to joke around, so hurry up and think of a way."

Qi Rongyue picked up the book again, and said calmly, "Don't worry, this matter can't be done."

The next day, Chu Palace, Jinluan Hall.

Lord Ruan, Minister of Rites, remonstrated in front of the hall: "Your Majesty, the mourning period for the first emperor was less than a year, and the whole country should have mourned, but now, before March, the city of Kyoto has already begun to decorate with lanterns and festoons, singing and dancing everywhere. Some officials, completely disregarding the ancestral system and status, wantonly marry and marry without the slightest sign of mourning, this is not in line with etiquette, Your Majesty."

Chu Lian used to be a prince, and now he is an emperor, how could he not be clear about this ancestral system, he just didn't care and pretended not to know.

It's just that he didn't expect that Lord Ruan, the servant of the Ministry of Rites, would be so courageous that he dared to speak out on this matter in front of the palace.

But having said that, the new emperor has just ascended the throne, if he doesn't do something to set an example, the rumors outside will become more and more unscrupulous.

After thinking about it, Chu Lian said: "Master Ruan is right, the ancestral system cannot be abolished, and national mourning should be observed."

Soon, the imperial list was posted in the streets and alleys of the capital, and it was strictly forbidden for the common people to display lanterns, drums, music, and singing and dancing during the national mourning period.

At the same time, it is strictly forbidden for officials of the DPRK and China to perform weddings during the national funeral.

"Master, where did you get so many banknotes?" Madam Ruan asked in surprise, looking at the stack of banknotes that the master was holding tightly in his hand.

Master Ruan glanced at the banknote in his hand, threw it on the bed, and sighed: "These are hot potatoes, but I have to take them."

Mrs. Ruan hurriedly grabbed the bank note and counted it carefully. The surprise before was wiped away, and she smiled like a moon: "Master, this is a full 3 taels of silver note! Who gave it to you?" Her family's master is a servant of the Ministry of Rites and a second-rank official residence. Although he can be regarded as a high-ranking official, he is an idler with no real power.

Master Ruan sighed: "Your master and I will probably lose our position soon. It doesn't matter who gave the bank note. The important thing is that from now on, our family will live on these coins. gone."

When Mrs. Ruan heard this, the joy on her face dissipated immediately, she grabbed Master Ruan's arm and shouted: "What do you mean by that? Tell me clearly."

She is an ordinary person, of course Yin Zi likes it, and she never refuses anyone who comes. She has been an official wife for so many years. If you suddenly become a commoner in one cut, how can you bear this gap?
Lord Ruan shook his head: "Don't ask, it won't do you any good if you know, it's better not to know." Lord Ruan was full of helplessness, and walked out with a sigh.

Who can imagine the pain in his heart?It's unspeakable!
Xingyuan Street

"Miss, do you know about the imperial list?" Xue'er excitedly ran into Qi Rongyue's room, yelling as soon as she entered the door.

Qi Rongyue folded the letter in her hand, raised her eyes and saw the excited Xue'er, knowing that her plan had succeeded.

"Tell me." The corners of her lips were slightly raised, and she looked at Xue'er with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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