Chapter 528 Battle Report
Chapter 529

Xue'er took Qi Rongyue's leftover tea on the table and took a big sip first, panting slightly, and then said what she saw and heard on the street just now: "Miss, so you and Yin Yixuan's marriage will be postponed again?"

She shrugged: "That's natural. Yin Yixuan has already joined the Imperial Academy and has a serious official position. He dare not disobey the ancestral system of prohibiting marriage this year."

Xue'er's smile became brighter: "In this way, he can no longer rely on the emperor and the princess to force the marriage. When the son comes back, we—"

Qi Rongyue hurriedly hissed, then pointed outside, and said in a low voice: "It's good to understand some things in your heart, don't need to say it out loud, be careful that walls have ears."

Xue'er nodded hurriedly, approached mysteriously, and said in a low voice: "When the son comes back, he must make Yin Yixuan look good, how dare he miss his woman while he is not in Beijing, hehe—— "

They all know Zheng Zhongwen's temperament, he is easy to talk about and doesn't care too much about everything, but as long as it involves Qi Rongyue's matter, he is not so easy to talk to, he is very fussy, even if Yin Yixuan and him have been close friends for many years, he will never let it go he.

Thinking of Zhongwen who had not returned from a long journey, she blushed slightly, and muttered to herself: "I don't know if he and Master Qi are all right in Mobei."


Chu Palace, Imperial Study Room.

Chu Lian frowned after reading the battle report sent by Longxi, looked up at General Wu who was kneeling three feet away from the imperial table, and said, "Is it true?"

General Wu said: "Going back to the emperor, the last general has already found out, and it is indeed true. Commander Zheng led an army of 20 troops to camp at the border of Longxi, and did not start a war with the Zhou army."

Chu Lian asked, "What about Zhou Jun?"

"The Zhou army's 15 troops are also camping at the border, only one mile away from our Chu army."

Chu Lian's brows were furrowed more tightly, and bad thoughts rose in his heart, "The two armies are facing each other, but they don't confront each other, what does it mean?"

General Wu raised his eyebrows and glanced at Chu Lian, met his brilliant eyes, then hurriedly looked away and shook his head: "The end general doesn't know."

Chu Lian snorted coldly: "I don't know? Do you really not know, or are you pretending not to know?"

General Wu's complexion turned slightly pale, and he hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, my subordinates are far away in the capital, thousands of miles away from Longxi, so how do we know the local situation, maybe, maybe—"

His eyes rolled sharply, but he couldn't think of a good reason, a reason enough to convince Chu Lian to let him go temporarily.

With a loud 'pop', Chu Lian slapped the imperial table hard, his eyes full of anger: "Maybe? Is it time to find a reason to excuse yourself? 20 troops, a whole 20 troops, this But nearly half of the military power of the Chu Dynasty, if something happens, who can take care of it? Can you?"

No, of course he couldn't.

General Wu was sweating profusely, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, Zheng Shuai's battle report will be delivered tomorrow, why not, why not see what he said first."

Chu Lian is not as optimistic as he is: "If tomorrow's battle report does not arrive, what should we do?"

"Why, how could it not be delivered? The urgent station report at [-] miles away will definitely be delivered tomorrow." General Wu has already felt the coercion emanating from Chu Lian, and it is so oppressive that he even finds it very difficult to breathe. .

Chu Lian hummed: "Remember what you said, tomorrow I will see Zheng Shuai's battle report, if not, you don't have to come to see me, you can kill it yourself, so as not to dirty Habayashi Wei's hands."

General Wu could only kowtow, and exited the imperial study respectfully. His life and death depended on a battle report.

(End of this chapter)

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