Chapter 529 Shocking
Chapter 530

He also made great contributions to the Chu Dynasty, but he didn't expect that he would end up in such an end. He began to regret, regretting that he easily joined Chu Lian's rebellious camp for his own self-interest, and killed the wise Chu Emperor Your Majesty, it is retribution to end up like this now!

Just after noon the next day, General Wu hurried into the palace and handed a battle report that he had just received to the imperial table.

Chu Lian briefly glanced at it, put it on the same side with the other battle report, and said in a deep voice: "These two battle reports entered Beijing one after the other, and the content is almost the same. It's really such a coincidence, and if Is everything safe and sound as stated in the battle report?"

General Wu hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, the Zhou army has already tasted the power of the Chu army. They refused to attack this time because our Chu army has [-] more elite soldiers than their Zhou army. They don't know The enemy, don’t want to rush forward to die, come again, the final general will hear about the turmoil in the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty, the King of Zhou has no intention of fighting, this time the troops are sent out, just to frighten them, to show that their military strength is sufficient, and they cannot be bullied.”

Chu Lian raised his eyebrows and glanced at General Wu, then said slowly, "Is there a reason for what you said to be shocking and not to be insulted? Although the old king of Zhou is old, he is not a fool. How could he be so laborious and mobilize people to send him out for no reason?" It doesn't make sense for 15 troops to be intimidating."

General Wu shook his head: "This matter has not yet been clarified, Your Majesty, please rest assured, the general will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly, so as to relieve the emperor's worries."

Chu Lian looked at General Wu with sharp eyes, seeing that he was covered in cold sweat, he couldn't help sneering in his heart, he was a person who was afraid of death, and he really was useless.

"I'll give you three days to find out the matter, otherwise, you don't have to come to see me, just settle it yourself." In the past, it was the past. In the past, he needed accomplices, as long as his subordinates could help, regardless of whether they were good talents or not, but now it's different, he Already sitting firmly in the country, how could the people under his command be such useless idiots?

General Wu's heart was filled with desolation. When he got the battle report, he thought he had escaped, but unexpectedly, he went around and came back again.

After General Wu left, Chu Lian declared Director Tian to enter the imperial study, and now Director Tian has been promoted to the leader of the Habayashi Guard, who is responsible for the security of the palace and also handles some private affairs for Chu Lian.

"Your Majesty, why are you calling your ministers in a hurry?" Director Tian walked to Chu Lian's imperial table naturally, just like in the palace before, he skillfully picked up the ink stick on the table, and made a speech for Chu Lian. Grind ink.

Chu Lian waved his hand, and all the eunuchs and maids serving in the imperial study room bowed and retreated. Only Chu Lian and Director Tian remained in the huge imperial study room.

Chu Lian lowered his voice and said, "Send someone to spy on the Marquis of Yongping's mansion to see what Mrs. Marquis Zheng is doing recently."

Mr. Tian said: "Do you need to bring people into the palace?"

Chu Lian shook his head: "No need for now, just a spy, don't disturb anyone in Yongping Hou's mansion, remember." Before he finds out the truth, he can't let the rumors leak out, otherwise it will cause bad things.

Director Tian responded, Chu Lian couldn't unfurl his frown for a long time, and there was always a bad premonition in his heart.

On the surface, there seems to be no problem, Longxi's battle report is delivered on time every time, and his eyeliner also sends back the information on time, but why, he still feels something strange?
He raised his eyebrows, waved his hand and said, "Come here, call King Jin into the palace immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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