Chapter 533 The Widower
Chapter 534

In Chu Tianxin's eyes, perhaps Min Hengzhi is a rare treasure in the world, the person on top of her heart, but to Chu Lian, Min Hengzhi is a duck, one of which has its feathers pulled out and boiled slowly in warm water , the duck that was about to be cooked, in his opinion, Min Hengzhi would definitely not be able to fly.

Who in this world can refuse such an honor?His son will be the emperor of the Chu Dynasty in the future. Isn't this kind of glory a hundred times stronger than when he was a little son or a little prince now?
He has always liked to judge others by himself, so in his eyes, there are no good people, and he even believes that there is no such thing as justice in the world.


When Min Hengzhi returned to the palace, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. He immediately asked his cronies to leave the palace secretly to visit Yongpinghoufu, and told the woman in the mansion who pretended to be Mrs. Zhenghou to be more vigilant these few days, so that no one would notice anything. Clue.

In the middle of the night, the cronies of Prince Jin's mansion sneaked back to the mansion and went straight to the study where Min Hengzhi was.

"My lord, as you expected, the palace sent people to visit the Zheng residence at night."

Min Hengzhi frowned, and hurriedly asked: "What's the situation?"

The guard said: "It's very dangerous. I almost showed my feet. Fortunately, a pitiful girl came, and she was fooled for a while, but according to my subordinates' estimation, although I got away with it this time, next time, if the emperor becomes suspicious again, I'm afraid it won't be just It’s as simple as sending someone to spy.”

This is exactly what Min Hengzhi is worried about. If Chu Lian's suspicion deepens, as long as he makes a decree to order Mrs. Zheng Hou to enter the palace to face the saint, then the matter will be revealed immediately. A cunning person like Chu Lian knows everything when he hears it. , he must have guessed Zheng Hou's purpose in Longxi.

It will be a matter of time before the matter is revealed, and he only hopes that it will be revealed when Tianqi finds the Black Cavalry Army and gives orders to the Black Cavalry Army. In this way, Tianqi's situation will be much safer, and Longxi's 20 troops marching north will not be too difficult. Just changing the name is justified, so that Zheng Hou will not be charged with treason.

What he was most worried about was Qi Rongyue who was walking beside Chu Lian. She was in a very difficult situation. There were wolves in front and cheetahs in back. She had to be careful and prudent in every step she took.

I can't tell what kind of state of mind is out of my caring and attention to Qi Rongyue, do I like her?Or take her as Tian Yu's shadow?Or neither?He didn't know, his heart was in a mess, he kept chopping, and his reason was still in chaos.


Qi Mansion
"Father, I won't go." Qi Rongxue frowned and nose, turned her head away with disgust.

Qi Yongchun threw the painting directly on the table, and said in a cold voice: "Aren't you going? Are you free to say no to it? A woman's marriage has always been decided by her parents. Do you have a share in speaking?"

Qi Rongxue raised her face to look at Qi Yongchun, and said with red eyes: "You know how to bully me, if you have the ability, you can take care of Qi Rongyue, you let her marry, she is your eldest daughter, if you want to marry, it's okay She's married, she's not married yet, so what am I supposed to do?"

A widower who was nearly forty years old, short, fat and ugly, just looking at the portrait would feel disgusting, let alone a real person, how could she live with such a person for the rest of her life?

Qi Yongchun said angrily: "You bastard, you have been raised for nothing. Do you talk to your father like this? It's not up to you. You have to go today, or you have to go if you don't."

Mrs. Liang at the side couldn't listen any longer, and stepped forward to persuade him: "Master, the appearance of Mrs. Sun is really—I think let it go, there are so many officials and masters in the capital city, there is always something suitable for our Xue'er." family."

(End of this chapter)

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