Chapter 534 Use
Chapter 535

Qi Yongchun got angry when he heard it, and shouted: "Who is suitable? You just talk about it, who is suitable? I don't even look at what your daughter looks like now. With her like this, you still expect her to marry Do you want to enter the noble mansion? Once the matter is exposed and you leave the house with a letter of divorce, whose face will you lose in the end?"

"What's wrong with Mrs. Sun? Apart from being short, I don't see anything unworthy of your daughter. Look at how you dislike her, and you don't think about how much you weigh first."

Qi Yongchun himself is also very depressed. Why doesn't he want to marry his daughter to a high profile, which will be of great help to her career, but since coming to Kyoto, he has had more contact with these people from Hou Menbo's mansion. I realized how naive and ridiculous my original thoughts were. Regardless of the scandal, with his current status as unembarrassing and Qi Rongyue still having a certain reputation in the capital city, he and Qi Rongyue Everyone must be well aware of what happened within a month. His reputation in the eyes of the rich and powerful must have been completely defeated long ago. Which son of the Hou Menbo Mansion would be willing to marry Qi Yongchun? daughter?
If you marry those bastards who are suppressed by the direct line, it is better to marry Mr. Sun, at least it can play a little role in his official career.

Although it is a half-waste chess piece, it cannot be completely wasted. When it is time to make good use of it, it is natural to make good use of it.

Mr. Sun is the same age as him, and Rongxue is indeed a little older, but what does it matter?Once she gets married, she will be the mistress of the Sun family. It's better than marrying those bastards and living with winks all day long, right?The most important thing is that Mr. Sun is his immediate boss, and he will be promoted soon. If this marriage can be concluded before he is promoted, then it is very likely that Mr. Sun will take the seat that Mr. Sun is currently sitting on.

Moreover, after becoming the son-in-law with Mr. Sun, he also gained help and care in the officialdom. He has inquired about Mr. Sun's details. He is the nephew of General Zhennan, and the younger brother of the same mother also holds an important position in the court. , such a relationship will bring no harm to him in the officialdom in Kyoto in the future.

Today is the day when he and Mr. Sun made an appointment to drink tea together. He also mentioned his daughter to Mr. Sun, and Mr. Sun seems to have the same intention. Although he did not expressly state the invitation today, both of them knew it well It is clear that drinking tea is false, but seeing each other is true.

"Master, this matter—" Liang's words were roughly interrupted by Qi Yongchun, his face was almost thrown into the sky, and he stared at her and said: "Are you such a mother? How old is she? , Girls as old as her, which one is not engaged? Some have even given birth to a child, if she drags on, do you think anyone will want it?"

Being scolded by her husband in front of her daughter, Liang's heart felt as if bleeding, but for the sake of her daughter, she could only endure the pain, swallowed the tears that were about to burst out, and said softly: "A few days ago The imperial list that was posted only a few days ago prohibits rituals and music, and marriages are prohibited, so no matter what, the wedding will not be held until next year, why be so anxious, let's search again, maybe we can find a more suitable candidate than Mr. Sun?"

When Qi Rongxue heard this, she hurriedly nodded agreeingly: "Yes, father, what's the use of seeing each other now? You can't get married, so Mrs. Sun must not be able to wait so long, so it's better to wait until the national funeral expires."

(End of this chapter)

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