Chapter 539

Chapter 540

"Qi Yongchun?" It's not the first time he's heard of this name, he even imagined the appearance of this person in his mind, it should be a face of acrimony, but now that he saw him in person, he didn't expect his appearance to be so handsome and elegant .

That's right, Rong Yue's father is naturally not ugly.

Qi Yongchun's face was filled with joy: "Your Majesty, do you know about being an official?"

The corners of Min Hengzhi's lips were slightly hooked, and his smile was meaningful: "I've heard of it, and it can also be said that I have heard it for a long time."

Upon hearing this, Master Sun at the side immediately looked at Qi Rongyue with admiration. You must know that Min Hengzhi is going to be the son-in-law, and Princess Tianxin is the only daughter of the new emperor. In the future, Min Hengzhi's heir will be the crown prince. He is not ordinary the prince.

Min Hengzhi's gaze passed over the flattered Qi Yongchun, and landed on Qi Rongxue's face behind him. Although they were two sisters, they were not alike at all. There was no similarity in appearance or temperament.

Seeing him looking at his daughter, Qi Yongchun hurriedly introduced: "My lord, this is the little girl Rongxue."

Min Hengzhi nodded lightly: "Well, there are indeed quite similarities with Mr. Qi." There are hidden words in his words, those who understand understand, and those who do not understand naturally do not understand.

Qi Yongchun obviously didn't understand, and thought it was a compliment, he hurriedly gave Qi Rongxue a hand: "Why are you standing still, hurry up and salute the prince."

Qi Rongxue's face was blushing, and she hurriedly lowered herself to look straight into Min Hengzhi's eyes, her heart pounding a little. She thought that the most beautiful man in the world must be Mr. Yin, but she never expected that the King Jin she met today would be Even better than Mr. Yin.

Min Hengzhi waved his hand: "You don't need to be too polite, I still have something important to do, so I'll take a step first." He turned around and nodded to Master Luo. There is a flash between the eyes, there is no need to say some words, and I know it well.

"Congratulations to the lord!"

Min Hengzhi strode away, leaving only an awkward atmosphere in the huge private room.

Master Sun sneered at Master Luo and said, "Master Luo, I have offended you just now, I hope Master Luo is not to blame."

Master Luo ignored him at all, didn't even look at him, and strode away from the private room with his head held high, leaving Mrs. Sun and Qi Yongchun with embarrassing faces.

Qi Yongchun was quite dissatisfied with Mr. Sun's performance today, and felt that he had misjudged. If Xue'er was married to this person named Sun, let's not say whether Xue'er's life will be better in the future, let's just say that this surname is Sun Whether he will help his little father-in-law is still unknown.

Thinking of this, he began to feel depressed, so he said to Mr. Sun: "Mr. Sun, I just remembered that I still have some things to do, so I went back first. Let's talk about it another day."

At this time, Mr. Sun was all focused on the pot of tea that was just cooked and hadn't had time to drink yet, so he didn't even care whether Qi Yongchun wanted to stay or not, so he just waved his hands casually: "Go, go, another day Let’s meet again, let’s meet again some other day.”

After leaving the Cuijun Tower, Qi Rongxue looked down at the clothes on her body, and thought of her plain face without makeup, she couldn't help feeling annoyed: "If I knew I would meet the prince today, I wouldn't wear this clothes."

Qi Yongchun happened to hear her muttering, and couldn't help answering: "It's useless for you to wear anything, even if you are beautiful and beautiful."

Qi Rongxue was puzzled, and frowned: "Father, do you ever say that about your daughter? In your eyes, your daughter is such a bad person?"

 The two little loli squatted downstairs in the author's house for three days and three nights, and finally blocked the unkempt author. The cute little loli looked at the author with horror: "You, you, you are really a little shepherd boy Myself?"

  The author looked dazed, blinking his bloodshot eyes, and said, "I'm a little shepherd boy. Do you want my autograph? I'm in a hurry and I don't have a pen. Next time."

  Little Lolita snapped: "Who asked you for an autograph? You thought you were Xiao Ling. We came here to ask you a question."

  The author let out a groan, touched his grumbling belly, and said helplessly, "Quickly ask, I haven't eaten for three days, so I'm in a hurry."

  Little Lolita looked at the author's slovenly appearance, and in her heart, ten thousand muddy horses galloped past. Where is the beautiful writer she agreed to?What about the temperamental beauties?

  "We just want to know why Qi Rongxue hasn't received her box lunch yet. We really don't want to see her again."

  The author kept rubbing his empty belly, and sighed: "How could one or two coquettish sluts be missing in a novel? She doesn't have a box lunch for now, so I'll go eat a box lunch first." After speaking, the author ran away, She would never tell these two little lolis, in fact, she hadn't thought about how to deal with this coquettish bitch.

  VIP book friend group of genius doctor Shizifei: 276181845 (stepping stone: any name or book title in the text) no stepping stone will be accepted.

(End of this chapter)

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