Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 540 Want to grab a man from Princess Tianxin?

Chapter 540 Want to grab a man from Princess Tianxin?
Chapter 541

Qi Yongchun shook his head: "It's not a question of whether it's good or bad, but that it's impossible for King Jin to like you, and even if he likes you, he can't be with you."

Qi Rongxue asked: "Why? Why not?" With her status, even if she couldn't be the first concubine of a fourth-rank Beijing official family, couldn't she also be a side concubine?
"Because he is King Jin, Princess Tianxin's fiancé, you want to grab a man from Princess Tianxin? You can kill yourself, but don't get involved with our family." No one knows that Chu Tianxin and his father are alone. Temperament, ruthless and ruthless, with a lot of blood on his hands.

Although King Jin was handsome and handsome, but in this capital city, any lady would avoid walking away when she saw King Jin from afar. If anyone dared to talk to King Jin a few more words, he would die in a miserable state.

Qi Rongxue's enthusiasm at the beginning was suddenly overwhelmed by Qi Yongchun's words, and her whole body felt chilly.

Well, King Jin can't think about it anymore, she should put her mind back on Mr. Yin.

Qi Yongchun looked at Qi Rongxue carefully, and murmured to himself: "This is the first time I've met the King of Jin, but he said he's known me for a long time, and that our father and daughter are very similar, but I look left You can’t tell if you look at it from the right.”

Qi Rongxue frowned and said, "Prince Jin, is he the prince from Jincheng?"

Qi Yongchun nodded: "That's right, his fief is Jincheng. Before the new emperor ascended the throne, he had been in Jincheng—" Speaking of this, he stopped involuntarily, and looked at Qi Rongxue in a blink of an eye, and Qi Rongxue also happened to look at him. He and the two of them met each other with shocking expressions on their faces.

After Qi Rongyue left Pengcheng, she went to Jincheng. I heard that she opened a medical clinic in Jincheng, also called Rongyu Hall. With their great help, the outbreak of a great plague has just been cut off.

That is to say, King Jin and Qi Rongyue have known each other for a long time. Just now King Jin said that he has heard about him for a long time, but he actually learned about it from Qi Rongyue?Also saying that he is similar to Qi Rongxue's father and daughter is not actually a compliment, but a satire?

There was a chill in the hearts and soles of the two of them.

It seemed that no good things happened to anyone or anything that got involved with Qi Rongyue.

"Father, I heard that Princess Tianxin's illness has been cured. Let's take Eldest Sister home as soon as possible." Only when Qi Rongyue returns to Qi's house, will Yin Yixuan be willing to visit, and she will have a chance to get close to Yin Yixuan, otherwise However, no matter what she plans, all previous efforts will be wasted because she can't see Mr. Yin himself.

Qi Yongchun frowned, and sighed: "Rongyue, that dead girl, she is sure to cure the emperor and the princess, but she just said that in front of me, which caused me to miss two chances. If I go to beg her now, I'm afraid it will be wrong." You won't show me a good face again."

Qi Rongxue rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "Father, I have a good idea, let's do this—" She tiptoed, put her mouth next to Qi Yongchun's ear, and whispered a few words.

Qi Yongchun's originally gloomy face immediately smiled, and gave Qi Rongxue a thumbs up: "This is a good idea."

Qi Rongxue giggled, "I learned this from my mother." Back then, her mother used this trick to deal with Qi Rongyue, and she almost succeeded. ——Qi Rongxue felt a pain in her heart, took a deep breath, and instantly put aside the unhappiness in her mind. Only by forgetting the past can she have a good life.

(End of this chapter)

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