Chapter 560 Wolf Killing
Chapter 561

It has been seven days since they entered the sand plain in Mobei. Because it is the windy season, there will be strong winds blowing in the sand plain from time to time, and the yellow sand will be rolled up all over the sky. They can't see the way forward or retreat. Almost turned into a piece of waste paper, the route marked on it was already indistinct, and they were too unfamiliar with the desert, so they lost their way on the second day after entering the desert, and wandered around for seven days. Completely lost their way, and the water and dry food they brought are running out.

The night in Shayuan is very cold, the first gust of wind after sunset can blow away the heat of the day, the temperature difference between day and night is huge, the daytime is terribly hot, and the night is terribly cold.

"It's getting dark, and there are many dead sand trees here. We will camp here today. Before it gets dark, we will gather as many dry branches as possible. We will rely on them for the bonfire at night." Zheng Zhongwenchao He ordered a group of fine cavalry guards.

Although everyone is very tired and almost exhausted, they still have enough energy to collect dry firewood. They know that the night in the desert is more difficult than the day. If there is no campfire, they will not only have to endure the cold, but also need Beware of sand wolves, sand wolves are all on fire. If there is a fire, they will only watch from a distance and dare not approach, but once the fire is extinguished, they will rush forward in groups, killing the already exhausted. People tear it up and become their food.

"We must find the water source as soon as possible, otherwise, all of us will die in this desert." Jian Yun handed a baked bun to Tian Qi's hand, then turned to Zheng Zhongwen and said.

Zhongwen untied the water bag around his waist, which contained the few sips of water left, and handed it to Chu Tianqi: "Our food has been exhausted. Today, brothers have been hungry all day. We need to find water sources. , we must get food first, otherwise, in our state, there is no way to go on the road again.”

Mr. Wan looked worried, and looked around. There was an endless sand plain covered in darkness, as if there was no end: "But in this situation, where do we go to find food? If it is a forest, at least we can hunt. , What’s there here? Except for the sand wolves who tried every means to eat us, and those extremely poisonous sand snakes and sand scorpions, there is nothing.”

Zheng Zhongwen raised his eyes and followed Mr. Wan's eyes to look into the distance. He could vaguely see a pair of blue beast eyes. He smiled and said, "I have a way, maybe it will work."

Jian Yun looked at him with interest, Mr. Wan also became interested, even Chu Tianqi stopped eating steamed buns, and stared sideways at Zheng Zhongwen.

Zheng Zhongwen got up, pointed to the beast eyes shining with greed in the distance, and said loudly: "Everyone knows that this group of sand wolves has been following us since three days ago. They are very experienced and know that we are in this desert. After a while, when we were exhausted and had no strength to resist, they rushed up and swallowed us up."

There were bursts of gasping sounds from all around, and Zheng Zhongwen said again: "Instead of sitting still and waiting for death, it is better to take the initiative to attack. While we still have some strength, we can lure them over and encircle them together. Not only can we eliminate this potential opponent, but also It can provide us with enough food for the rest of our journey.”

Thinking of the food, those fine cavalry guards who had been sluggish immediately regained their vigor, stood up one after another, and said to Zheng Zhongwen: "My lord, we will listen to you, and we will do whatever you say."

(End of this chapter)

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