Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 561 The Woman in the Sandpit

Chapter 561 The Woman in the Sandpit
Chapter 562

Zheng Zhongwen looked at Jian Yun again, whether this method is feasible or not, she still needs to nod.

Jian Yun looked at Zheng Zhongwen with admiration, he was smarter than she imagined, he knew how to find a way out in adversity, very good.

"This method is feasible, and it's all up to you." Jian Yun got up, and took out a bag from the back of the kneeling camel, which contained many bottles and cans of medicine. She took out a large porcelain bottle and handed it to Zheng Zhongwen. : "This is a drug, not only useful to us, but also useful to wolves."

Zheng Zhongwen's eyes were full of excitement: "This is a good thing, and it will definitely come in handy in a while."

Jian Yun smiled and said, "Save it and use it, this bottle is the only one."

After agreeing on the plan, Zheng Zhongwen ordered people to extinguish all the bonfires. If there is a fire, the sand wolves will not come over, but will only watch them from a distance. No matter day or night, they move, they move, they stop, they stop, waiting for the opportunity With the best offensive period.

After the bonfire was extinguished, the figures in the distance stopped flickering, and the night was as quiet as if only the sound of the wind remained.

The sand wolves that had been lying on the sand stood up one after another. After observing carefully for a while, they determined that the time was right. Dash at their prey with great speed.

When the sand wolf rushed forward, the people who seemed to be asleep suddenly jumped up, holding the bright sharp knife in their hands. When they realized that they had been fooled, they wanted to escape again, but there was no way out.

The leader of the sand wolf looked ferociously, opened its sharp fangs, and ruthlessly charged at Zheng Zhongwen, who had already assassinated several of its wolf companions one after another.

Zheng Zhongwen noticed the wolf head early in the morning, and when it pounced on him, he leaned sideways to avoid it, and the long sword in his hand pierced the wolf head's foreleg, causing it to roll on the ground with a groan, with stains on the wound. Full of yellow sand.

The wolf's head missed and was injured, but he didn't want to run away. He turned around and threw at Zheng Zhongwen again. It was also the first time Zheng Zhongwen saw such a ferocious beast. The back of his hand was scratched by the wolf's claws. He raised his sword and stabbed fiercely. After all, a beast is a beast. Although it is very smart and fierce, it is still no match for human beings. In the battle, he was defeated by Zheng Zhongwen in the end.

The bravery shown by a group of elite cavalry guards in the face of a large number of wolves also opened the eyes of Jian Yun and Chu Tianqi. This may be instinct. In this situation where either you live or I die, If they didn't fight hard, then they would be the ones lying dead on the sand at this time.

The bonfire was rekindled, and the aroma of the barbecue filled everyone's faces with happy smiles.

Happiness is so simple, when you are hungry, you have something to eat.

"My lord, there seems to be someone over there." The fine cavalry guard in charge of the sentry came to Zheng Zhongwen's side and said in a low voice.

Zheng Zhongwen got up and followed the Jingqiwei to check, and sure enough there was a person lying in a sandpit not far away.

"Quick, pull him up." Jingqiwei stepped forward and pulled up the person lying in the bunker according to his words. It turned out to be a woman, wearing a gray-brown short jacket, her hair was combed into a man's bun, and her complexion was dark yellow. Her lips were chapped, and she looked like she had been short of food and water for a long time.

Zheng Zhongwen said to Jingqiwei: "Take it back and show it to Master Jian."

Seeing that they brought back an unconscious girl, Jian Yun hurriedly ordered someone to fetch her medicine box. After some investigation, she was sure that the girl was fainted from starvation and she was not injured.

(End of this chapter)

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