Chapter 562 Still Alive?

Chapter 563

"Is there any water left?" Jian Yun raised his head, and glanced at the fine cavalry guards who were watching.

Everyone shook their heads. They drank all the water yesterday, and just now they drank a lot of wolf blood to quench their thirst. At this time, the remaining wolf carcasses were already dead, and the blood could not be released. They really couldn't find them. a drop of water.

Chu Tianqi took out the water bag that Zheng Zhongwen handed him before, he was reluctant to drink it, and planned to return it to Brother Zhongwen, since there are people who need it more than them, naturally he can't just leave it alone.

Jian Yun didn't answer, but only looked at Chu Tianqi, and said, "This may be the last sip of water in our hands, do you really want to give it to her?"

Chu Tianqi said bluntly: "Of course I will give it to her. Saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. If you can save it, you will naturally save it. If you can't save it but refuse to save it, it's no different from killing her."

Jian Yun nodded, feeling relieved, Tianqi has really grown up, and is much more sensible than when he first met him.

Without further hesitation, she took the water bag, poured the last bit of water in the water bag into the girl's mouth, took another recovery pill, crushed it and fed it to her.

"Why isn't she awake?" Chu Tianqi asked.

Jian Yun put the girl by the fire, took another piece of clothing to cover her body, and then sighed: "She has been dehydrated for too long, so her fate is hard. She has survived until now. If her body is a little weaker, I'm afraid she died a long time ago, this little water is not a panacea, how could she wake up so soon, but she must have saved her life after taking my Rejuvenation Pill."

While the fire was still raging, Jian Yun ordered everyone to skin and dismantle the remaining wolf carcasses, roast the meat into jerky and take it on the road to eat, and use the wolf skins to keep out the cold at night. There was only a pile of bones left.

At dawn, the girl lying by the fire woke up slowly. She looked at the blue sky and sighed secretly that she was still alive?Hearing the noisy noises around her, she sat up quickly, looked around with sharp eyes, and saw a lot of people, they were wearing clothes different from hers, their complexions were dark like those in the desert, but their eyes were clear and energetic, They were talking and laughing in groups of three or four, and she was standing next to a extinguished fire with a long gown on her body.

"Girl, you're awake." A warm and somewhat indifferent voice sounded behind her. She hurriedly turned her head and saw a woman in her early forties. His facial features are still hard to hide his charm.

"Who are you? Why am I here?" She frowned, her face a little unhappy, not a question, but a question.

Jian Yun was a little displeased with her way of questioning, but she didn't pay much attention to it. After all, she was an irrelevant person, so it would be fine if she woke up.

"We camped here last night. When we saw you lying in the bunker ahead, we rescued you. Now that you're healed, let's leave."

Seeing that Jian Yun let her go so readily and did not threaten her with life-saving grace as she imagined, the woman got up and patted the yellow sand on her body, saying, "Thank you."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left. After walking a few steps, she realized that she had no water or dry food on her body. If she just walked like this, it would still be a dead end.

There are a few more people beside the woman who talked to her before, a middle-aged man, looking at the woman with admiration, a young man with a thin figure, and a young man, tall and handsome.

(End of this chapter)

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