Chapter 563

Chapter 564

Seeing her coming back, Jian Yun frowned and said, "Didn't you leave? Why are you back again?"

The girl gave a dry laugh, thinking of her own attitude, she couldn't help but soften her eyes a little: "I'm thirsty and hungry now, I wonder if you still have something to eat and drink?"

Jian Yun said: "There is food, I can give you some, but there is no drink. We are also looking for water sources."

Chu Tianqi said with a smile: "Our last bit of water was given to you last night, and now there is really not a drop left."

The embarrassment on the girl's face became more and more intense, and she felt ashamed when she thought of her suspicion of them before.

She said: "My name is Dina, and I can take you to find the water source."

Zheng Zhongwen raised his eyebrows: "Do you know where there is water?"

Dina nodded, her eyes full of confidence: "I live in the desert when I urinate, and the desert is my home. I know where there is water. You can trust me."

Chu Tianqi looked puzzled: "Since you know where there is water, why did you faint in the sandpit due to dehydration?"

Dina laughed dryly: "To tell you the truth, I ran out in a fit of anger with my stepmother. I came out in a hurry and didn't bring anything with me. There was another storm. I originally wanted to wait for the storm to stop and go back. Who knows that the unlucky encounter When I arrived at the sand wolf, I was chased by the sand wolf all the way, I escaped by chance, but I was farther and farther away from my home, I wanted to go back, but I didn’t have the strength to go back, so I fainted in the sand pit.”

Speaking of stepmother, Zheng Zhongwen thought of Qi Rongyue, she also has a nasty stepmother, fortunately she left the Qi family, otherwise, she might be bullied by that wicked woman of the Liang family.

Seeing the young man staring at her with a gentle smile on his face, Dina couldn't help but blushed, lowered her eyes and said, "I'm hungry, is there anything to eat?"

When I looked up again, the young man just now had disappeared. A well-dressed young man handed over a piece of dried meat, and said with a smile, "This is sand wolf meat. If you eat this, you can take revenge for yourself."

Dina thanked her, took the jerky but didn't rush to eat it, she looked around and saw the young man going to the other side to pack his bag, and whispered something to the young man beside him.

Dina asked the Jingqiwei who handed her the meat: "Who is he? Is he your leader?" She pointed to Zheng Zhongwen in the distance.

The young man smiled and nodded: "You mean Master Zheng, he is our leader, do you have anything to do with him? I'll call for you."

Dina waved her hand: "No, no, I'll ask." It turns out that his surname is Zheng, he is tall and handsome, and he must be a master by the way he walks, and he must be the leader of such a large group of people, and his status must be extraordinary.

After everyone had packed their luggage, Dina had just finished eating the jerky in her hand, so she went straight on the road without further delay, with Dina leading the way and leading everyone through the desert.

With Dina as a guide, they no longer have to turn around in the desert as if they were blind, and even their steps on the sand seem to be lighter.

After driving for a day, there was still a vast sea of ​​sand ahead, and there was no oasis as imagined. An anxious expression appeared on the faces of the elite cavalry guards.

"Miss Dina, didn't you say that you know the way to the water source? Why haven't you seen the water shadow after walking for a day?" A fine cavalry guard couldn't help asking.

Dina shrugged: "As I said, I'm too far away from home. If it's only a day's journey, why would I faint from hunger in the sandpit? Wouldn't I be back home sooner?"

(End of this chapter)

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