Chapter 569 Help Me Find Dad

Chapter 570

Dina's complexion changed slightly. At this time, the lights in the house suddenly turned on, and a graceful figure came out from the inside. Before she got close, she yelled at Dina: "You evil spirit, why did you run out? Are you back? Since you want to come back, why did you run out? It made your father go out to look for you, and took Wu Er there. He went there three days ago, but he hasn’t come back today. Yesterday was another night of sandstorms. I don't know, and I don't know about them—" The woman began to cry as she spoke, and gave Dina a resentful look from time to time.

Dina yelled at the woman: "Cry, cry, cry, you know how to cry, tell me, where did my father go?"

The woman glared at her viciously: "Remember, if your father and Wu'er can't come back, you don't even think about entering this house again, you loser."

Dina is very angry, but now is not the time to get angry with this woman, she has to go back to father and Wu'er.

She turned her head and asked her aunt who had reminded her before, "Auntie, where did my elder brother go? Did you see it?"

Aunt Seven took a few steps forward, nodded quickly and said: "I see, I see, I went to the southwest. Your father said that you were unhappy when you were young, and you always like to go to the southwestern side of Shabazi to hide."

Dina's eyes turned hot, Dad was right, she did go to Shabazi every time she was angry and left home, and this time was no exception, but she didn't expect to encounter sandstorms and sand wolves suddenly, so she was forced to cross run farther.

She turned around and wanted to run, but Zheng Zhongwen pulled her back and said anxiously: "Now the sky is dark, and there are no stars or moon tonight, it's pitch black, where are you going to find it?"

Seventh Aunt also said: "Yes, yes, why don't you go tomorrow, if something happens to you again, won't you be sad to death when your father comes back?"

Dina was very anxious, how could she wait, although she used to hate her father in her heart, but after all, they are father and daughter, so there is no unresolvable hatred.

Jian Yun also said: "It's very inappropriate to go so recklessly. In this way, you first take me to the yard to collect herbs, and we will pound the herbs into a medicinal juice and apply it on our bodies, so that we will not be afraid of encountering sand scorpions when we enter the sand. And Sand Snake, and go to the homes of the villagers to buy some food, let the brothers eat enough first, so that they can have the strength to help you find your father."

When Dina heard this, her brows and eyes lit up: "Master Jian, do you mean to help me find Dad?"

Jian Yun nodded: "Of course, we are also friends. If a friend is in trouble, he should help him with all his strength."

With tears in her eyes, Dina nodded heavily: "Okay, everything is up to your arrangement."

Zheng Zhongwen, Mr. Wan and Chu Tianqi were taken by the Seventh Aunt to various households to buy dry food, while Jian Yun and Dina were making concoction in the backyard.

Dina's stepmother Lu Yilian and younger sister Dijia not only didn't help, but also tried their best to make sarcastic remarks. Dina was so angry that she walked towards them aggressively with a machete, and they retreated to their room in fright.

Jian Yun asked Dina: "Miss Dina, is this how your stepmother treats you?"

Dina snorted coldly: "She is the best at acting. She does one thing in front of her face and another behind her back. When daddy is around, she pretends to be a good person, which makes me appear ignorant and ignorant of good people. When daddy is away, she pretends to be a good person." Immediately put on a face, what are the cold words? If I hadn't learned some kung fu, she couldn't beat me, and I would have been poisoned by her long ago. This woman's heart is poisonous. "

Jian Yun nodded, remembering the bitterness on Lu Yilian's face, and sighed: "You are really having a hard time."

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(End of this chapter)

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