Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 570 What kind of disease do you have?

Chapter 570 What kind of disease do you have?
Chapter 571

Jian Yun thought of Rong Yue, and said with a smile: "My apprentice also has a stepmother, who is not much better than your stepmother, who only cares about her children, only wants to drive her out of the house, and even hopes that she will die. "

Dina stopped what she was doing, and hurriedly asked, "Then how is your apprentice doing now?"

Jian Yun said: "She is living a very good life now. She left that family and lived a free life. With her medical skills, she has become a miracle doctor passed on by word of mouth. I am very proud of her." She turned her eyes and looked at Dina With a glance, he said: "But you are still different from her. Not only was she bullied by her stepmother, but even her own father and grandmother were very indifferent to her, and they didn't treat her as one of their own. It's better to die quickly, where would you look for you like your father, regardless of the danger of life, you are luckier than her."

Thinking of her missing father, Dina's eyes turned red again, she sniffed and said, "I must find daddy."

The two brought the pounded concoction and went to the entrance of the village together. The brothers had already eaten and drank enough, filled all the water bags, and waited for Zheng Zhongwen's order to set off again.

Everyone knew that if it wasn't for Dina, they wouldn't have been able to find a source of water. They might have died of thirst in the desert now. Now that Dina needed their help, it was their duty to do so.

Jian Yun distributed the medicinal juice to everyone's hands and asked them to smear them all on their bodies.

Chu Tianqi held the medicinal juice up to his nose and smelled it, then frowned and said, "This stuff has no smell, is it really useful to apply it?"

Jian Yun said: "Naturally it is useful. The reason why the people here can live here for a long time without being invaded by sand snakes and sand scorpions is because of this medicine. Apply it quickly, and leave soon."

She took the medicine bowl in Chu Tianqi's hand and helped him wipe it on his body together.

Dina looked at Chu Tianqi enviously, and said sourly, "Brother Qi, you are so lucky to have Master Jian and Brother Zhongwen protecting you, and they won't let you suffer any grievances."

Chu Tianqi grinned, his eyes were full of sunshine, and he no longer had the depression and gloom of the past.

"Sister Dina, you are also very lucky. You still have family members, and now you have friends like us. You are actually much luckier than me." He said sincerely.

Dina didn't know Chu Tianqi's past. Seeing what he said, she became curious, and was about to ask a few questions, but Jian Yun cut her off: "Okay, everyone, rest in place for two hours. Set off."

How could Dina sleep? In order to make it easier for her to travel at night, she went from house to house to get many torches, so that if her father saw the fire, he could also find them.

Everyone was tired all day, and now that they had enough food and drink, they felt drowsy. With Jian Yun's order, they hurriedly found an open place to lie down, and covered themselves with wolf skins to rest.

Seeing that Jian Yun was secretly taking medicine behind everyone's back, Mr. Wan felt very distressed, but he couldn't help her at all. It would be great if Rong Yue was there. With her here, at least he can know what kind of disease Jian Yun has.

Instead of being like now, blind in both eyes, ignorant of everything, and let her perfunctory.

After Jian Yun took the medicine and calmed down for a while, Mr. Wan sat next to her and put a wolf skin on her shoulders: "Jian Yun, tell me honestly what disease you have and how to cure it. it is good?"

Jian Yun lowered her eyes, and there was a trace of bitterness in her eyes, how can it be cured?Ah--

(End of this chapter)

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