Chapter 571
Chapter 572

Two hours later, a group of 86 people left Luther Village again. He did not disturb the villagers when he came, and he walked quietly when he left. Most of the villagers had already fallen asleep. They didn't know that there were so many outsiders in the village. Some of them noticed The villagers where they went, just hid at home and looked out, and did not dare to speak out. Who knows what these outsiders are doing here.

After walking through the desert for so many days, they already had a lot of desert walking experience, and they were no longer as dazed as they were when they first entered the desert. In addition, with Dina leading the way, they arrived at the place Dina said within an hour. Shaba, not too far from Luther Village, there are a few leaky shacks scattered in the sand, and a grove that has been dead for an unknown amount of time.

Dina said: "There used to be a few strange people living here. They wanted to turn this place into an oasis, live here, and plant trees here. Unfortunately, this place never became an oasis. They finally left disappointed, leaving behind these Things, I liked to come here to play when I was a child, and it became my refuge home when I grew up. Whenever I quarreled with my stepmother, I would come and live here for two days. My father would come to see me at the beginning and pick me up. Later, I Gradually growing up, with the ability to protect myself, the relationship with Dad is getting more and more distant, Dad rarely comes to me again, at most it will take a long time, let Diwu come and call me back."

Jian Yun sighed: "You are too willful, a girl's house, how can you leave home at will? Living alone in such a place, you are not afraid that the sand wolf will eat you."

Dina's eyes were full of bitterness: "The reason why I ran away from home was because I didn't want to embarrass my father. After I left, my stepmother would not embarrass my father. After a few days, my stepmother's anger disappeared, and I would naturally go back. .”

Zheng Zhongwen and Chu Tianqi turned back from the front and shouted to Dina from a distance: "Miss Dina, we have searched here, but we haven't found your father."

Dina rushed forward, checked the shed where she used to stay before, and said: "My father and Diwu must have been here, they didn't find me, they must have gone to find me elsewhere. "

She was full of worry: "The sandstorm that broke out last night, I don't know where they took shelter. Will they also encounter sand scorpions like us?"

Jian Yun patted her on the shoulder and comforted her in a low voice: "Dina, don't worry, your father has been walking in the desert for many years, and a sandstorm can do nothing to him? And you have anti-sand scorpion at home. Why didn't he take the medicine with him when he went out? I guess he just walked a little far to find you. "

Dina nodded: "I hope so."

Zheng Zhongwen said to Jian Yun: "Master, there are two roads here. We can't confirm which road Di'a's father took. Why don't the soldiers go to Di's father in two ways, and leave secret marks on the way, whether you can find it or not. For the sake of safety, we agreed to meet here at noon tomorrow, do you see?"

Jian Yun nodded: "It's a good way, let's do it like this, you go and tell everyone to do their best."

Just as Zheng Zhongwen was about to turn around, Dina grabbed his arm and said, "Brother Zhongwen, thank you." Her voice was low and soft, and her eyes were so soft that water almost overflowed.

Zheng Zhongwen withdrew his hand, and said in a low voice: "You helped us, and of course we will help you too. You don't need to say thank you, you should do it." After saying that, he strode away without even looking at her.

(End of this chapter)

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