Chapter 572

Chapter 573

Even such indifference and alienation could not extinguish Dina's enthusiasm. She looked at Zheng Zhongwen fascinatedly, her heart pounding wildly in her chest.

Jian Yun had a panoramic view of her emotions. She didn't want to say some things. She thought that Dina would retreat after seeing Zheng Zhongwen's indifference. It seems that she was wrong. Once love takes root in her heart, It is absolutely impossible to destroy it by itself, even if you don't get a reciprocal response, the love that has taken root will still grow wildly in your heart.

"Dina, Zhongwen is a good man, but he's not suitable for you." Jian Yun stopped making detours and spoke directly.

Dina was stunned, and looked back at Jian Yun, her eyes full of surprise: "Master Jian, what do you mean by that?"

Jian Yun said: "I know you like Zhongwen. A man like him will indeed attract girls. I can understand you, but you have also seen that he has no interest in you."

Dina's face was flushed with embarrassment: "This, this is only temporary, I believe as long as I—"

Jian Yun interrupted her, and said seriously: "No matter how hard you try, it's impossible."

Dina was puzzled: "Why? Why is it impossible? I asked the brothers, and they all said that Brother Zhong Wen was not married, the man was unmarried, and the woman was unmarried. What is impossible?" She will be coy and contrived like some girls, and she doesn't feel any embarrassment.

Jian Yun said: "Although he is not married, he has a fiancée. He only has that girl in his eyes. Haven't you seen it yet? He deliberately keeps a distance from you, in order not to let you have too many fantasies."

Jian Yun's words rang in Dina's ears like a bolt from the blue. He already has a fiancée?It is impossible for him to love her?
"Dina, I know you are very sad now. I tell you this for your own good. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Before the sinking is not deep, let go earlier, it will be good for everyone."

Dina was in a daze. Although she only knew Zheng Zhongwen for a few days, his appearance was already deeply imprinted in her heart. She thought that as long as she took the initiative, she would always be able to warm his heart and enter his world.

It seemed that she was thinking too much, thinking about it too, how could such an excellent man like him lack women around him?
Dina smiled wryly, and said to Jian Yun, "Master Jian, I know, and I understand your painstaking efforts. I won't think about it anymore. Now I just want to find my father, and I won't think about anything else."

Jian Yun patted her on the shoulder, and sighed: "It's best if you can think like this, and you should treat it as if your fate hasn't arrived yet."

Dina nodded heavily, and used a forced smile to hide the disappointment in her heart. She thought that the fate she had been waiting for was Zheng Zhongwen, but unexpectedly, it was just her wishful thinking.

Will she meet a man like Zheng Zhongwen who can impress her again?

She doesn't know, maybe she will never meet again!

Behind the sand dam, there are east and west roads. When Dina was chased by sand wolves before, she took the east road. Now they are divided into two roads, and she still chooses to take the east road. Jian Yun and Wan Mr. Zheng led the people to the west, and Zheng Zhongwen and Chu Tianqi led the team to the east.

Dina didn't know Zheng Zhongwen was leading the team at first, but it was only after dawn that she realized that it was him at the front of the team.

She suppressed the desire to rush forward in her heart, and walked silently among the crowd, letting the crowd submerge her. If she didn't get close, she would not have delusions, nor would she have obsessions.

(End of this chapter)

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