Chapter 573
Chapter 574

When the sun rose, the temperature in the desert began to rise, from the coldness before to the scorching heat. She walked in the men's team, and the smell of sweat from the men made it difficult for her to breathe, so she could only squeeze to the front and followed silently. Zheng Zhongwen and Qi Tian are behind.

She wondered, they were both men, why Zheng Zhongwen and Qi Tian didn't smell bad?They also sweated, even as much as the soldiers behind them.

Zheng Zhongwen suddenly stopped and turned around, Dina was restless, and unexpectedly she ran into Zheng Zhongwen's arms without noticing it for a while.

The soldiers at the back cheered and shouted strangely, Dina's face was about to bleed, she hurriedly took a step back, and said to Zheng Zhongwen: "Sorry, I just—"

Zheng Zhongwen waved his hand: "It's all right." Without looking at her after speaking, he said directly to the soldiers: "Rest where you are, and set off in a quarter of an hour."

Chu Tianqi was so tired that he sat down on the sand and said to Zheng Zhongwen, "Brother Zhongwen, I knew we would have to travel such a long distance, we should really come here on camels."

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head and said with a smile: "The camels have followed us for so many days, so we should let them rest. There is still a long way to go. We have to rely on them to walk in the desert."

Chu Tianqi nodded: "That's right, if the camels are exhausted, it will be even more difficult for us to go forward."

Dina was very puzzled when she heard this, and asked, "Where are you going? You have no experience in walking in the desert, but you have to rush into the desert in this windy season. Aren't you afraid of death?"

Zheng Zhongwen looked into the distance, there was a girl in a dangerous situation, waiting for him to go back, he was not afraid of death, but afraid of never seeing her again, so he must find the Black Cavalry as soon as possible, hurry up back to her side.

"We have a mission, which is more important than death. Even if we die in this desert, we will never give up lightly." He said in a deep voice.

Dina frowned, what kind of task would make a man like him disregard life and death.

"Brother Zhongwen, where are you going? Why don't you tell me, maybe I can help you." Dina earnestly said.

Zheng Zhongwen turned to look at Chu Tianqi beside him. Chu Tianqi also looked hesitant. He wanted to get Dina's help, but he didn't know if he could tell her about it. , will be in vain.

"Is there anything inconvenient to say?" Dina asked.

Zhongwen turned his head, glanced at Dina, and said in a low voice: "It's very important, it's not convenient for me to say more now, after I find your father, I will discuss it with the master."

Dina nodded: "I understand, I still want to thank you for helping me find Dad."

Zhongwen didn't make a sound, seeing that she didn't have a water bag on her body, he asked her if she was thirsty.

Dina blushed and nodded.

Zhong Wenchao waved to a soldier not far away: "Mingchang, do you still have water?"

Ming Chang hurriedly got up from the sand, took off the water bag at his waist and handed it to Zhong Wen: "There is still half of the bag."

Zheng Zhongwen handed the water bag to Dina again: "Hurry up and drink, we are going to go soon."

Dina looked embarrassed. She thought that Brother Zhongwen would give her his own water bag to drink when he asked her if she was thirsty, but it turned out not to be. . .She's still too self-indulgent.

She took the water bag, took a sip, and thanked Mingchang.

A naive smile appeared on Mingchang's black and red face, he scratched his head and turned to walk away.

(End of this chapter)

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