Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 581 Existence of the Devil's Cave

Chapter 581 Existence of the Devil's Cave
Chapter 582

The expression on his face became more and more agitated, and he suddenly closed his eyes, as if otherwise, his sadness and fear would overflow.

"That night, the wind was very cold and the sky was very dark. We just fell asleep. Suddenly, several wolf howls sounded in the distance. I smelled blood on my body. The wolf's nose is the most sensitive. He will definitely smell me. come over."

His voice began to tremble: "Nana's mother dragged me immobile into a boulder and covered me with a lot of dry firewood. When the wolves came, she bit her own arm and used her blood The smell leads the pack of wolves to run away."

"She's a woman after all, she didn't run very far, I heard it, I heard it all—"

Cloudy tears kept streaming down, it was an indelible pain in his heart.His wife, in order to save him and preserve his life, used her body to lure away the pack of wolves. He heard his wife's screams and the sound of her body being torn apart by the pack of wolves.

Jian Yun frowned and asked, "Is there no one living in the devil's den?"

He nodded and wiped away the tears on his face: "Yes, there are people. If it weren't for them, how could I have survived to this day? into the devil's lair."

Dina couldn't cry for a long time. She only knew that her mother died in the Devil's Den, but she didn't know that it was this way of death.

"Father, why didn't you take me to see my mother and kowtow to her? For so many years, you still refused to tell me where the Devil's Den is. Why?"

Di Adie said: "They are my benefactors. I promised them that I will never tell others about the existence of the Devil's Nest, let alone let people know about their existence."

Zheng Zhongwen said to Di Adie: "They are the friends we have been looking for. Something happened at home and we urgently need their help. I hope you will help us."

Di Adie raised his eyebrows and remained silent. It's not that he doesn't want to help, but he just doesn't want to break his oath to those benefactors in the Devil's Den.

But these people in front of him are also his benefactors, and they don't seem to have bad intentions, and he doesn't want to let them down, so what to do.

Jian Yun said: "I think they must have told you that the reason why they are in the Devil's Den is because they have been waiting for someone, and waiting is their mission. The person they have been waiting for is here now. If they cannot be found, then they will wait in the devil's den for a lifetime until they die of old age."

Diaddy thought about his days in the Devil's Den. He did ask a young man who brought him meals every day. He was only 19 years old at that time, and he must be 30 years old now.

At that time, he asked the young man why he lived in the devil's cave, although he was obviously not from the desert. The young man told him that they had a mission, and they were ordered to wait for someone here, as long as that person came, they could leave This desert, otherwise, they will spend their entire lives here.

So, Mr. Zheng and the others, are they really the ones those people have been waiting for?
Seeing Father's hesitation, Dina hurriedly said: "Father, what are you still hesitating for, just agree to them."

Di Adie thought for a while, and finally nodded: "Okay, I promise you, but I need to wait for my health to recover before going on the road, otherwise I will lose my hair before I reach the Devil's Den."

(End of this chapter)

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