Chapter 582 Eavesdropping
Chapter 583

Dina felt sorry for Father's injury, and hurriedly said: "Father, tell me the way, I will take them there, and you can stay at home and recuperate."

When Di Adie heard this, he quickly waved his hands and said: "No, no, the road is dangerous, I don't feel at ease if you go."

Jian Yun counted the days, they had been in the desert for a long time, if they really waited for Di Adie to heal before going on the road, at least half a month later, the situation in Kyoto was urgent, they had to find the Black Cavalry Army as soon as possible, Solving the urgency of melting the moon, we can't delay like this any longer.

She said: "Father Di, I think what Dina said is right, you just stay at home to recuperate, and Dina will guide us. You can rest assured that with us, Dina will be fine, and we will definitely Dina will be sent back safely."

Diady's eyes are full of worries. No one knows better than him how dangerous the road to the devil's den is. He was lucky enough to save his life in the devil's den, but on the way back, he had many adventures. If he hadn't With an obsession desperately wanting to come back to take care of his daughter, he has long been a skeleton in the desert.

Although Dina is very familiar with the desert, she is also very brave, and she has the same fearless spirit as him, but even so, she is still too young, she has experienced too little, and she may not be able to overcome any truly dangerous things. Handle it properly.

But Dina has grown up, and now she knows the place where her mother is buried, he may not be able to stop him, if he insists on refusing, with her temperament, she may go to touch it by herself one day , wouldn't that be more dangerous, it's better to let her follow these people, at least there is a care.

Di Adi finally nodded, and promised Dina to follow Zheng Zhongwen and others into the desert as a guide and lead them to the Devil's Cave.

After the matter was agreed upon, Dina took everyone to prepare the dry food and water needed for the road. As soon as everyone left, Lu Yilian's sneaky figure came into the house. She moved to her husband's bed, mysteriously Xi said: "Master, do you think there will be any treasures in this devil's den? Otherwise, how could they rush there without fear of death?"

Di Apa glared at her coldly, and said displeasedly: "You bitch, how come you have learned to eavesdrop?"

Lu Yilian said dissatisfiedly, "How can this be called eavesdropping? You are my husband, and this is my home. I listen to what you have to say. How can it be considered eavesdropping?"

Di's face darkened and said: "I don't care so much, just remember, everything you heard today, just pretend you haven't heard it, forget it all, don't mention it to anyone, otherwise, you will be killed , don't blame me for not reminding you."

Lu Yilian was full of indifference, and hummed in a low voice: "Forget it if you say it? There is no such cheap thing, hmph—"

"You stinky bitch, what are you talking about?" Papa Dia shouted at Lu Yilian, but Lu Yilian refused to pay any attention to him, and turned around to visit her son next door.

Seeing Lu Yilian's appearance, Papa Di thought of her usual style again, and his heart was full of worries. This woman has always been a loose-mouthed woman, so this matter might not be easy to handle.

He has nothing to do with her, he can only hope that Dina and the others can rush to the Devil's Den as soon as possible, find the people they are eager to find, and solve this matter, so he will not be afraid of breaking his oath.

Everyone rested in Luther Village for one night, and set off early the next morning, leaving the oasis and entering the black desert where even sand wolves dare not enter the Devil's Den.

(End of this chapter)

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