Chapter 583
Chapter 584

Kyoto - Chu Palace.

A scream resounded through the Hall of Two Hearts, and Chu Tianxin looked at himself in the mirror in horror. His face, which was originally beautiful like a flower, was once again covered with dense rashes, which were more severe than the previous two times. , his body was also extremely itchy, and when he took off his clothes, he saw that his body, like his face, was covered with dense red rashes all over the place, which were very penetrating.

Lian'er was so frightened that her heart trembled, the princess's illness relapsed again, and the Hall of Two Hearts would usher in a new round of catastrophe, and she was the first to suffer.

Chu Tianxin's old problem has happened again. When he is angry, he likes to lose his temper. When he loses his temper, he will throw things. He throws whatever he sees, whether you are gold, silver or porcelain. The floor is in a mess, and the palace ladies They all knelt tremblingly among the broken porcelain on the floor, suffering the pain of being hit by gold or silver objects on their upper bodies from time to time. Two court ladies were hit on the head by a lady's copper lamp, and they bled profusely on the spot until they fell into a coma. .

"It's you who want to harm me, it must be you, I was fine yesterday, but it turned out like this when I woke up this morning, what did you say to me?"

The maids all over the ground cried and begged for mercy. They were just little maids, as humble as ants. They just wanted to survive until the day they left the palace. Who would be so reckless to murder the princess?
However, Princess Tianxin doesn't care about these things, she can't believe that these things on her face are grown by herself, it's clear, it's clear that someone is trying to harm her.

Lian'er endured the bone-piercing pain from her knees and palms, and said in a trembling voice: "Princess, the most urgent thing is to invite Miss Qi to treat you. If you want to judge the crime, you have to wait until your illness is cured. "

When Princess Tianxin was in a fit of anger, she was no different from a rakshasa from hell. Now, when it comes to crimes, no one in Shuangxindian can escape, including herself.

If you want to survive, you still need to wait for her anger to disappear. If you want to disappear, you must first cure her strange disease.

When Chu Tian thought of Qi Rongyue, he felt loathing in his heart. He thought that he would never see her again in this life, but he didn't expect that she would appear in front of her again so soon, so soon?
"Why don't you go soon?" Seeing Lian'er knelt still, she frowned and said angrily.

Lian'er trembled, and quickly got up from the ground, ignoring the blood flowing from her palms and knees, she hurried out of the Hall of Two Hearts.

She knew about Qi Rongyue being imprisoned in the sky prison, and now she needs to ask Qi Rongyue to see Princess Tianxin's illness, but the emperor's approval is still needed, otherwise, no one will be able to take someone out of the sky prison.

Imperial study room

"Your Majesty, Lian'er, the maid in the Palace of Two Hearts, is asking to see you."

Chu Lian frowned, Xin'er seldom asked court ladies to see him, could something have happened?

"Let her in." He put down the vermilion pen in his hand, closed the memorial, and looked at Lian'er from the outside with deep eyes. The blood stains were obvious on the light blue long skirt, and her figure was not stable when she walked. Xin'er lost her temper in the palace again.

Lian'er knelt down on the mirror-like marble floor in the imperial study room with a plop. The pain in her knees made her take a deep breath. She was sad in her heart. Why is fate so unfair? Everyone can step on it.

"Report to the emperor, the princess's old illness has relapsed, please send Miss Qi to the palace for treatment."

Chu Lian frowned: "The old disease relapsed? What old disease? What old disease does the princess have?!" When did he have an old disease in his heart?

(End of this chapter)

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