Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 587 The Chapter of Princess Tianxin

Chapter 587 The Words of Princess Tianxin

Chapter 588

Chu Tianxin waved his hand and said, "Hurry up, tell the imperial doctor to cure her as soon as possible, there must be no mistakes."

If the palace lady was granted amnesty, she hurried out of the side hall and rushed to the imperial hospital. She wished she could run outside all day, and it was worth the tiredness, as long as she was not allowed to serve in front of Princess Tianxin.

Thinking of sister Lian'er being tortured like that by the princess, her heart shuddered.


King Jin's Mansion

Min Hengzhi stared at the guard who came to report the letter, and asked in a deep voice: "How is the situation over there?" Although he promised Rong Yue that no matter what happened to her, he would stay out of it, but when he thought of that delicate person being imprisoned When he entered the sky prison, his heart ached.

The guard shook his head: "There are no people from us in the sky prison, so we can't know what's going on inside."

Min Heng is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. On such a freezing day, the dungeon might not even give her a quilt. How can she stand the cold?

what can we do about it?It will neither expose herself, but also save her from dire straits.

The guard hesitated to speak for several times, but Min Hengzhi finally noticed: "If you have something to say, just say it, don't be shy."

The guard said: "My lord, you are Princess Tianxin's fiancé, and you have the privilege of freely entering and leaving the inner palace. You only need to sit with Princess Tianxin for a while, and if you play with Princess Tianxin casually, you will naturally know how Miss Qi is going."

Naturally, he had thought about this question before, and there were two reasons for his reluctance to do so. One was that although Princess Tianxin looked casual, she was actually a careful person, and careful people were usually suspicious. If he mentioned Rong Yue in front of her, It is very likely that it will make her suspicious, and the consequences will be very serious. Maybe she will send someone to chop Rongyue off in a fit of anger.

The second is that he really doesn't want to see Princess Tianxin's face, not at all.

But right now, it seems that there is really no other way to do it, but go to the Hall of Two Hearts to try.

Hall of Two Hearts.

"Princess, King Jin asks to see you."

Chu Tianxin was lying on the bed/sulking, when he heard that Min Hengzhi was coming, he immediately turned over and was about to rush out, but then he thought of his own face, so he quickly turned back: "No, no, I can't see you like this he."

"But I haven't seen him for days."

The maid at the side hurriedly said: "Princess, you wear a veiled hat to see the prince. The prince can't see your face, but you can see the prince. Isn't it the best of both worlds?"

Chu Tianxin nodded: "It's a good idea, hurry up, get the curtain cap."

The veil of the veil was covered twice, and people outside could only see her shadowy face, but couldn't see the texture of her skin at all, but she could see it clearly from the inside out.

Seeing her covering her face, Min Hengzhi frowned and asked, "This is the princess?"

Chu Tian smiled dryly, and acted like a baby to Min Hengzhi: "Oh, I heard that you came, and you got up too fast, and you haven't had time to wash your face and make up, and I can't bear you to wait too long, so you came here wearing a veiled hat You don't mind seeing you, do you?"

Seeing Min Heng's thoughtful face and not responding to her words, she pouted and said, "If you don't like me like this, I'll take it off now."

Min Hengzhi raised his eyebrows to look at her, and didn't stop her, but saw that she didn't move at all, obviously just talking, and had no intention of really taking off the veil.

He had an idea in his mind, and said with a smile, "Since you don't want to see me in plain face, how can I force others to do things against me?" He knew Chu Tianxin's temper very well, he kept his beauty and would never waste any of it in front of him. Chances of her beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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