Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 588 Marry Min Hengzhi Earlier

Chapter 588 Marry Min Hengzhi Earlier

Chapter 589

There must be a reason for her refusal to see him.

And the last time she refused to see him was because her face disease relapsed.

What about this time?

Now that I think about it, the last time her face disease relapsed was really timely, just after Chu Lian bestowed marriage to Rong Yue, and this time, it was after Rong Yue was imprisoned in the prison.

It seems that this is not accidental!
His mood became more and more bright, his gloom was swept away, and he said with a smile: "Princess, how are you doing recently?"

Chu Tian felt sad for a while, what is the matter, her face is like this, it is not known if it can be cured, how can she be cured?

She forced a smile: "It's good, but being locked up in this deep palace all day is too boring. It would be great if I could leave the palace earlier."

As a princess, if she wanted to leave the palace, unless it was for marriage, her meaning was very clear, she just wanted to marry Min Hengzhi earlier.

But Min Hengzhi pretended to be stupid: "It's very simple for the princess to leave the palace. I'll go and tell the emperor, and I'll take you out of the palace for a stroll today." It's expected that she won't go, so what if I make a promise?

This is the first time Hengzhi is willing to take her out of the palace to play. She is very excited and frustrated. She wants to go but can't. Can't eat with a hat on?Hengzhi will definitely become suspicious.

"Next time, I'm a little uncomfortable today, so I can't be tired." She lied, feeling distressed, what a great opportunity, she just grew wings and flew away.

Min Hengzhi had the bottom line in his heart, knowing that Rong Yue would be fine for the time being, he didn't want to stay any longer, and after perfunctory her a few words, he went to the imperial study to inquire about Longxi.

Imperial study room

"Trash, it's all trash!" Chu Lian threw the emergency report on the ground, and his anger couldn't be contained.

Min Hengzhi picked up the emergency report on the ground, glanced at it quickly, and was relieved, but his face was solemn: "Five thousand elite soldiers entered the desert, and there is no news at all?"

Chu Lian snorted coldly: "How much does the military pay each year? Raising a group of trash, thousands of troops searched a large area, but couldn't find a team of only a hundred people. Could they still fly with wings?"

Min Hengzhi fixed his face, seemingly concerned: "The desert is vast, and there are winds and sands from time to time. It's normal that it's hard to find. Maybe there will be good news in a few days. Your Majesty, don't worry too much."

Chu Lian snorted coldly: "Even if I give them another month, I won't be able to find these wastes. How can I not be worried? That's the Black Cavalry Army. They are all brave and good at fighting and can defeat a hundred with one enemy. If the Zheng family is really To them, it will undoubtedly be even more powerful."

Min Hengzhi persuaded: "Your Majesty, you are the emperor of the Chu Dynasty. They are just a group of rebels with dishonorable names and words. No matter how powerful they are, they cannot become the real monarch of the Chu Dynasty."

Chu Lian frowned, Hengzhi's words seemed to be right, but he heard it, why did he feel so uncomfortable?
This one is a rebel, and one is a traitor, why does he feel that he is talking about himself?

He looked at Min Hengzhi, and saw that his face was sincere and his eyes were full of righteous indignation, as if he was really annoyed about the Mobei matter, worried about him, it seemed that he was thinking too much.

Chu Lian sighed: "If it wasn't for Tianxin's willful girl, you are the most suitable person to go to Mobei to get people." He is very clear about Min Hengzhi's ability. If he goes, his confidence will be greatly improved, and he will definitely find black before Zheng Zhongwen Even if the cavalry army cannot be found, Zheng Zhongwen will never be allowed to go.

(End of this chapter)

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