Chapter 589
Chapter 590

It's a pity that he can't disregard Xin'er's feelings, and he can't let Min Hengzhi get a little bit of damage, otherwise, if something happens to Xin'er, what he, the emperor, will do will be boring.

He sighed, waved his hands and said, "Forget it, I'll just wait a few more days."

Min Hengzhi smiled secretly, and asked again: "Your Majesty, how is Longxi? Has Zheng Xiuwu been subdued?"

Chu Lian's face turned ugly again, and he said angrily, "It's annoying, but none of the people I sent out came back alive, not even a single letter. It seems that there is more danger than luck."

"Hmph——I really underestimated Zheng Xiuwu at the beginning. If I had known today, how could I let him take the position of commander-in-chief." Speaking of this, a bold association floated in Chu Lian's mind.

Is there such a coincidence in the world?Just before he was about to ascend the throne, just when he was about to take back the military power, something happened to Longxi?And his son has already embarked on the road to Mobei, if it is not a coincidence, then he has selfish interests with the Zhou Dynasty and is collaborating with the enemy!
"Okay, Zheng Xiuwu, you are capable enough." Before he figured this out, he never planned to use the army in the southern border. Killing the Zheng family army, but from the present point of view, it seems impossible not to use force. Once Zheng Xiuwu joins the army of the Zhou Dynasty to overwhelm the border, and the 35 army, he will be unable to defend even if he wants to. It is better to fight, say It may not be possible to use the imperial power to suppress Zheng Jun, and it is also possible to make him turn back and surrender.

Seeing his unpredictable expression, Min Hengzhi hurriedly asked: "Your Majesty, what have you thought of?"

Chu Lian snorted: "I suspect that Zheng Xiuwu colluded with the Zhou Dynasty, intending to help the Zhou Dynasty's rebellious thieves to take over the Chu Dynasty, and he should be punished!"

Min Hengzhi remained calm and asked, "Your Majesty, what are you going to do?"

Chu Lian said to the eunuch passing the decree: "Quickly tell that Duke Heng Guo came to see me in the palace and said that he has something important to discuss."

Heng Guogong is the commander-in-chief of an army of 30 troops at Nanwei Pass. He has been stationed at Nanwei Pass for many years. A while ago, the new emperor came to Beijing after he ascended the throne.

Speaking of Heng Guogong, Min Hengzhi is familiar with him, and the word Heng in his characters is also taken from Heng Guogong.

When they were young, Duke Heng and Duke Min were best friends. In order to continue this friendship, the two families got married. Duke Heng's daughter, Ruan Qingqing, and Min Heng's childhood sweetheart, urinated and played together until Later, Min Hengzhi's mansion was in disaster, and Min Hengzhi was rescued by his master. Since then, he lost contact with Hengguo's mansion, and naturally he never saw Ruan Qingqing again.

Calculating with fingers, Ruan Qingqing is already 20 years old this year, she must have married into a good family long ago, and she has already had several children.

It was not the first time for Duke Heng to see Min Hengzhi in front of the imperial court, but every time he saw him, there was always something in his eyes that seemed to be apologetic. He had never been to Prince Jin's Mansion either. According to the previous relationship between the two of them, they should meet in private.

Min Hengzhi even had some doubts, whether Duke Heng was aware of the extermination case of Duke Min's mansion back then?

He didn't want to believe it, didn't want to believe it.

Heng Guogong was the best friend of his father during his lifetime, a friend like his relatives, how could it be?how come?
So he didn't go to Heng Guogong either, he only thought that he was still his father's best friend, and that those doubts had never arisen.

(End of this chapter)

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