Chapter 590 Ruan Song
Chapter 591

"Ruan Song, I ordered you to lead an army of 30 troops from South Wei to Longxi to preach the decree for me. I ordered Zheng Xiuwu to disarm and return to Beijing immediately. If there is any disobedience, he will be killed without mercy. If there are any dishonest people, they will be killed at once. Counting people."

Ruan Song was slightly startled, did the emperor mean to kill Zheng's army?
At least there are [-] people in the Zheng family's army, and all of them are good soldiers and good generals. If an order is issued to kill them, they will definitely not stand still and wait to be killed.

How many soldiers will die in vain because of this?What kind of end will this kind of cannibalism lead to?
Ruan Song knelt in front of the imperial court and said earnestly: "Your Majesty, please think again. Nanwei's [-]th army is stationed at the border and must not move. Once the Nanchao finds out that the army has changed, it will definitely take the opportunity to attack. At that time, Nanwei will surely fall."

Chu Lian waved his hand: "It's not that I haven't thought about what you said. In recent years, the Southern Dynasty and the Chu Dynasty have rebuilt the old relationship. They haven't violated each other's borders for many years. At this time, the temporary deployment of troops should not have any impact. Besides, the Southern Dynasty is weak. They I won’t be so stupid as to compete with the power of the Chu Dynasty, if I stand still this time, I will remember them well, if I dare to act recklessly, I will definitely make them pay the price in the future.”

Min Hengzhi said in his heart that before making Nan Chao pay the price in the future, Chu Chao must pay the price first. People like Chu Lian will not care about how many innocent people will die at that time, and just want to use their abilities for a while to protect themselves.

Now I can only hope that Zheng Zhongwen and the others can find the Black Cavalry Army as soon as possible, and bring Tianqi back to the Chu Dynasty before Nanwei sends troops, making Chu Lian's plan come to naught.

No matter how unwilling Ruan Song was, he could not resist the edict and disobey it. If he disobeyed the edict, he would destroy the nine clans. It doesn't matter if he dies, and he must not harm his family.

Before leaving Beijing, he thought over and over again, and finally came to Prince Jin's Mansion.

When Min Hengzhi heard that Duke Heng was coming to pay a visit, he specially welcomed him to the middle gate and personally invited him to sit in the hall.

Ruan Song looked at Min Hengzhi in front of him. He was tall, handsome, and imposing. His appearance didn't change much from when he was a child, but he was more mature and steady. Which woman wouldn't like such a man?
He sighed softly, and asked Min Hengzhi, "Hengzhi, how have you been doing all these years?"

Min Hengzhi nodded lightly: "It's not good, but it's not bad either."

What kind of answer is that?He could clearly feel the slight indifference and alienation revealed between the lines in Min Heng's words and even in his eyebrows.

"Hengzhi, Uncle knows that you must have had a hard time these years. It's because of Uncle's fault that he didn't find you and made you suffer." He was a little insincere, and he didn't dare to look directly into Min Hengzhi's eyes when he spoke.

Min Hengzhi chuckled: "The Lord has a heart. After Hengzhi was taken away by his master, he lived a good life. After entering the capital, the former emperor treated Hengzhi very highly. Now he is about to become the emperor's son-in-law. Nothing wrong."

Ruan Song smiled wryly and nodded: "Yes, yes, it's pretty good." How could he not hear the meaning behind Min Hengzhi's words, mocking him if he really wanted to find him, how could he not find him?How many times he went to Beijing to face the saint, Min Hengzhi was right in front of him, but he never said a word to him.

Seeing his embarrassment, Min Hengzhi couldn't bear to think about the mischievous past in front of his lap when he was young, so he changed the subject and said, "Is she doing well?"

(End of this chapter)

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