Chapter 591 Ruan Qingqing

Chapter 592

It's fine not to mention Wei Wei, but when it comes to Wei Wei, the pain in Ruan Song's eyes becomes more and more intense. He has three sons and a daughter, and Wei Wei is his only daughter. Extremely beautiful, known as the most beautiful woman in Nanwei, the people who came to ask for marriage a few years ago almost broke the threshold of their Hengguo mansion.

But in the end, this girl was so stubborn that she decided that she was Hengzhi's fiancée, and refused to accept anyone's marriage proposal. She even threatened to come to the capital to find Hengzhi. But at that time, Hengzhi was already engaged to the Eldest Princess. How could he abandon the eldest princess and marry her?
He locked Qingqing at home and prevented her from going out. This lock lasted for three years.

"What? Is she not good?" Min Hengzhi frowned, and the smiling girl appeared in front of his eyes. Her smile was very contagious. Watching her smile always made him feel better.

Ruan Song knew that today might be the last time they sat together and chatted like this in their life, and no one could predict what will happen in the future, so it is better to explain the matter clearly and clearly.

Ruan Song said: "To be honest, Qingqing has been locked up at home by me for three years, and she hasn't left the boudoir for three years."

Min Hengzhi was puzzled, "Why? She must be 20 years old now, why not let her marry?"

Ruan Song smiled wryly, "Back then, there was a long queue of people who proposed marriage in front of the Duke's mansion, but she just refused to marry. She was determined to be your fiancée, and she refused to marry someone else. If I don't lock her up... In the room, she will definitely come to Beijing to find you secretly, but you were already engaged to the eldest princess at that time, how could I let her be stupid, just procrastinate like this, and three years will pass in a blink of an eye."

Min Hengzhi's face was filled with displeasure: "You have often come to the capital for the past two years, and it's not the first time we've met. Why don't you tell me about these things?"

Ruan Song showed embarrassment: "It's not something glorious, and I don't want to cause you trouble, so-"

At the beginning, he made an engagement with the eldest princess, and now he has an engagement with Princess Tianxin. He refused to say it at the beginning, why is he willing to say it now?
Min Hengzhi thought for a while, and said to Ruan Song: "I'll write a letter, you take it to Qingqing, I think she will figure it out after reading it."

Ruan Song couldn't wait for it, so he hurriedly stood up and cupped his hands: "Thank you!"

Min Hengzhi waved his hand and asked him to sit down again, staring at his eyebrows and said: "Uncle Ruan, when you go back to Nanwei this time, will you really obey the emperor's order and transfer the army to Longxi?"

Ruan Song looked at Min Hengzhi in surprise, it was very strange that he would ask this question, since it is the emperor's order, why not obey it?
Ruan Song said: "I don't quite agree with my nephew's opinion?"

Min Hengzhi shook his head: "I can't say I agree or disagree, I just think the emperor's way of doing things is too radical, there is no need to add so many killings."

Ruan Song suddenly nodded, "You and your father are really similar, and you have a kind heart."

He sighed again, and said: "So what if he is radical? Now he is the emperor, the superior in charge, and has the power of life and death. We are ministers, what else can we do besides bowing our heads and obeying orders? Is it possible to be like Zheng Xiuwu—— "He kept silent on the latter words, but the meaning was obvious, he would not do rebellious things.

Min Hengzhi said: "The matter of Zheng Xiuwu has not been found out yet, and it is only the emperor's suspicion at present. It is hard to say what is going on in Longxi."

Ruan Song was greatly surprised: "It's just a suspicion? But the appearance of the emperor is clearly evidence of a crime."

(End of this chapter)

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