Chapter 592 For revenge?

Chapter 593

Min Hengzhi's face was pale, and there was a hidden smile in his eyes, he didn't say anything about it, and immediately changed the subject.

"Uncle Ruan, the Min and Ruan families can be regarded as family friends. I roughly know what happened back then. If you want to get to the bottom of some things, you can still get to the bottom of it, but I don't want to hold on to it anymore. I know that everyone There will always be times when you can't help yourself, and I can understand it, but, Uncle Ruan, if you make a mistake once, you will regret it for the rest of your life, so what about making two mistakes?"

Ruan Song's complexion changed drastically, he looked at Min Hengzhi in horror, his lips trembled and he couldn't speak.

What did he mean by saying that he knew about the events back then?
Did he know what the emperor did to the Min family, or did he know that he was involved in it?
But this doesn't make sense, if he knew what happened back then, knowing that Chu Lian was his enemy, but still stayed by Chu Lian's side, and even wanted to marry his daughter, how, how could this be possible?

A flash of light came to his mind, and his body trembled violently: Could it be that he stayed by Chu Lian's side for revenge?Didn't she really surrender to him?So what does he mean by saying this to him now?
Ruan Song's horrified eyes fixed on Min Hengzhi tightly, with a face full of disbelief, the little boy back then has grown up now, and is no longer the child who used to run wildly in the garden with Qingqing.

Min Hengzhi put down the teacup in his hand, and said calmly: "Uncle Ruan, don't panic, I have no other meaning in telling you this today, I just hope you can figure out what can and can't be done, we It’s good to be a minister, but first of all we are a person, not a puppet, and as a person, we should be able to distinguish between right and wrong.”

"If you make a mistake once, you can correct it. There is nothing good about it. If you make a mistake again and again, it is hopeless."

He was admonishing Ruan Song and reminding himself.

Ruan Song restrained his surprise a little, settled his mind, and asked Min Hengzhi: "Son, what do you mean by these words, can you explain them more clearly?"

The Ruan Song in Min Hengzhi's impression was not a treacherous person, on the contrary, he was honest, even cowardly, and because of this, he expected that he would not report him in front of Chu Lian.

"Uncle Ruan, this is the end of my words, so I won't hide it from you. The reason why I stayed with Chu Lian is because I still have some things to do, and I don't really agree with him as the emperor."

Ruan Song couldn't help standing upright while sitting: "You, you mean, you were also involved in Zheng Hou's rebellion?"

Min Hengzhi shook his head: "You're wrong, Marquis Zheng is not rebelling, but punishing rebels. The real rebellious person is Chu Lian. You know it very well, don't you?"

Of course Ruan Song knew that it was not a day or two before Chu Lianxiao wanted to take the throne, and it was part of his plan that he used means to persecute Lord Minhou.

And he, Ruan Song, was able to change from a fallen prince with no real power to a hegemon with an army of 30 today, all because of the death of Lord Minhou.

For more than ten years, he has never had a good night's sleep. Every time he dreams back at midnight, he can always see his old friend standing in front of his bed, looking at him with eyes full of scrutiny.

He also regretted it, regretting that he did not insist on his own will, but chose to give in.

This is also the reason why he has known about Hengzhi's whereabouts all these years, but he has not gone looking for him. He is ashamed to see him.

Ruan Song sighed and said, "I also know that Chu Lian is not a good emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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