Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 600 The big world is full of wonders

Chapter 600 The Great Thousand World

Chapter 601

Her furious face eased a bit, but she was still very displeased: "But these red rashes on my face, why haven't they disappeared?"

Qi Rongyue said: "Princess, you also know that it takes a long time to cure a disease, how can it be said that it will be cured immediately? When you were sick last time, it took a lot of time to be cured. This time is better than the previous one." One time is much more serious, and it will only take longer and not shorter. No matter how good the medical skills of the women are, they are not gods, and they really can't cure the disease, so I ask the princess to learn from it."

Chu Tian wanted to learn from it, but there was always a fire in his heart. If this fire wanted to be vented, if he wanted to make himself refreshed, he could only make the woman in front of him suffer.

But she can't, at least not now, she still needs to rely on her.

Chu Tianxin tried his best to keep his face calm: "Then, in your opinion, how long will it take for this illness to be cured? How many times do you need to soak in the medicinal bath?"

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "It's hard to say right now, how many times you need to soak in medicinal baths depends on the recovery of the disease."

Well, asking is tantamount to not asking.

She changed the subject, stared at Qi Rongyue coldly, and said: "You are the one who treats this disease of this palace every time, but you can tell me why this palace has this disease, and why it is always on you. Is it just a mere coincidence that you fell ill when you were about to die?"

Qi Rongyue smiled lightly: "The princess was joking. The first time Minnv saw the princess, it was because of this illness that the princess was ill. Later, when the princess became ill, the Minnv was not with the princess. I really don't know how to answer the princess's question." ask."

She raised her eyes, and her clear eyes fell on Chu Tianxin's disgusting face, and said: "Princess's illness didn't happen in recent years, right? According to the daughters of the people, the princess suffered from this disease when she was young. "

Chu Tianxin suffered from this disease not only when he was a child, but also when he was a girl. The reason why Min Hengzhi knew the inside story was because she told him.

Chu Tianxin frowned, "But even if he was sick in the past, it was not as serious as it is now."

"I was ill in the past, but I didn't get the correct treatment. The bruises accumulated under the skin for a long time, and they flared up every time I felt it. This is what the girl remembers telling the princess when she was in Jincheng. If you send it again, it will be even better than before.”

Chu Tianxin naturally remembered that, so to speak, she seemed to be making sense, and she couldn't hold her pigtails at all.

She got down from the bed, approached Qi Rongyue step by step, looked at her soft and fair skin up close, and hated her like a fire: "Tell me, is there such a person in this world who is dissatisfied with someone?" , even if there is a way to cure that person quickly, but because of dissatisfaction in his heart, he deliberately does not cure that person, Miss Qi, do you think there will be such a doctor in this world?"

Qi Rongyue nodded calmly: "Of course there will be. In the vast world, there are all kinds of wonders. One kind of rice can raise hundreds of kinds of people. There will be all kinds of people. Not every doctor has a benevolent heart, even if there is a benevolent doctor. , and may not be able to treat everyone equally.”

Chu Tianxin stared into her eyes and asked word by word: "Then Miss Qi, what kind of person do you belong to?"

Qi Rongyue smiled lightly, and looked back at Chu Tianxin with fearless eyes: "I am a person who understands current affairs, and I know what I should do."

Chu Tianxin was not satisfied with her answer, but she couldn't handle anything wrong with her. She has always been like this, which can drive people crazy, but she still has a calm look on her face. This is also the look she hates the most. Tian Yu is exactly the same.

(End of this chapter)

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