Chapter 601
Chapter 602

No matter how annoying he was, no matter how much he wanted her to disappear completely, he had to let her heal his illness first.

From the suppressed anger in Chu Tianxin's eyes, she knew that she was safe for the time being, at least until her illness was completely cured, she was safe.

It seemed impossible for Chu Tianxin to recover from his illness completely.


Wenchang Houfu
Yin Yixuan hadn't had any water or rice for three days, and the food delivered to the room was brought out as it was brought in.

He had no other way but to express his dissatisfaction in this way.

Yin Erye and his wife, who were far away in Pengcheng, came to Beijing again in the name of visiting relatives. As soon as they entered Wenchang Hou's mansion, they immediately came to Yin Yixuan's room. Seeing their son lying on the bed with a yellow face and thin face, the two elders were very distressed. After all, they were their own flesh and blood. , Seeing him like this is like cutting their flesh.

Mrs. Yin rushed to the bed, touched her son's face with trembling hands, and said with a sob: "Xuan'er, why are you doing this?"

Yin Yixuan didn't answer, turned to look at his father, and said word by word: "Father, I'm a man, I can't just stand by and ignore my fiancée being imprisoned, since I'm her husband She shared weal and woe, shared weal and woe, if I can't do it, I'm meaningless to live, it's better to die cleanly, and avoid being ridiculed by the world."

Yin Erye never imagined that his son would do such a disobedient thing. Could it be that all the sensible and courteous appearances in the past were all pretended?

Yin Erye said angrily: "Your body, hair and skin are all affected by your parents. What right do you have to dispose of them at will? A good man has ambitions everywhere, how can he be trapped by mere love for children? Have you read all these years for nothing? ?”

Yin Yixuan struggled to sit up on the bed, and stared at his father with sharp eyes: "What a good man, if I can't even protect the girl I like, am I still a man?"

When Lord Yin Hou learned that his second brother was returning to the mansion, he hurried over. Seeing that the father and son were arguing endlessly, he hurriedly stepped forward to persuade him: "Yixuan, listen to what uncle said, just leave Miss Qi's affairs alone, and you are fine." If you want to take care of it, you can't take care of it, besides, Miss Qi is very capable, it's not easy, and she doesn't need you to protect her, uncle thinks she will be safe and sound."

When Yin Yixuan heard Yin Houye's words, he hurriedly stepped off the bed, staggered and rushed to Yin Houye, grabbed Yin Houye's arm, and said anxiously: "Uncle, you must know how she is now, Right?"

Lord Yin Hou nodded: "I asked someone to inquire about it. After you left the palace that day, she was brought into the palace, and was thrown into the prison not long after."

When Yin Yixuan heard this, he was so anxious that he rushed out without even putting on his clothes, but was grabbed by Lord Yin: "You child, why are you so anxious, I haven't finished my words yet."

Lord Yin Hou said again: "Miss Qi was imprisoned in the prison for two days, and she was released yesterday. It is said that Princess Tianxin has an emergency again and needs her medical treatment."

When Erye Yin heard this, he snorted and said, "Where are there so many coincidences in the world? Every time she is in danger, Princess Tianxin will suffer from emergencies, and they are all serious diseases that only she can cure. Nothing to do."

Lord Yin Hou nodded: "Who says it's not, so this Miss Qi is really capable. I heard that Princess Tianxin was healed by her in the Hall of Double Hearts last night, and she passed out several times after being tortured. If someone else , who would dare to do that?"

(End of this chapter)

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