Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 606 How to fight with him?

Chapter 606 How to fight with him?

Chapter 607

Zhou An nodded, he still has a way to deal with his father, this is not the ultimate purpose of his visit this time, it's just a question by the way.

"Second thing, I want to ask you about Miss Qi's recent situation. Is she safe now? Is there anything I can do for you?"

Zheng Hou shook his head again, got up and walked to the couch, and took a letter from under the pillow, which was secretly sent by Zheng Santang in Beijing.

"Look for yourself." He handed the letter to Zhou An, Zhou An hurriedly took it, opened the letter and glanced at it, the brows that were originally flat became more and more wrinkled after reading the letter, and his face was scorched.

"Prisoned in the sky prison? This, what should I do?"

Zheng Hou patted him on the shoulder and said: "Rongyue is a smart and courageous child, she knows what consequences she will have if she stays in the capital, I believe she must have made a good plan and won't let others bully her like this .”

Zhou An also knows that she is not to be slaughtered, but her opponent this time is Chu Lian, the emperor, who has the power of life and death, and can kill her with just a word. She is a lonely and weak woman, how can she fight against him? ?
Zheng Hou said again: "The king of Jin is also in the capital. With him here, he should be fine. Don't worry."

Don't worry, how can he rest assured, what kind of place is the sky prison, is that a place for people to stay?No matter how strong Qi Rongyue is, it's only because of her will, she is always a girl!

But even if you don't worry, so what?Can he still kill Chu Chaojing now?
"When will there be news of her again?" Zhou An asked.

Zheng Hou said: "Three days later, this was delivered today, and a letter will be delivered every three days."

Zhou An nodded: "I see. I will come back in three days. If she still fails to save herself, we must find a way to rescue her."

Zheng Hou said: "Okay, let's get together again in three days, and then discuss countermeasures."

Zheng Hou sent people to send Zhou An out, and sent them all the way outside the camp of the Zhou Dynasty. The armies of the two dynasties confronted each other, but there was no smoke of gunpowder. Instead, they were in harmony.


"Father, you are back." Ruan gently looked at his father who came in from the outside, put down the embroidery work in his hands, and stood up respectfully to greet him.

Seeing the faint joy and joy in his daughter's eyebrows, he couldn't help but said: "I know what you want to ask, yes, I saw Min Hengzhi."

Ruan Weiwei was a little taken aback, this was the first time that her father mentioned Brother Hengzhi in front of her since the incident happened in the Min family.

"Brother Hengzhi, is he okay? How is the princess treating him?" Ruan Qingqing knew in her heart that she would never be able to be with Brother Hengzhi in her whole life, but that deep-rooted love never diminished by half.

Ruan Guogong didn't answer her, but took out a letter that was crumpled by him from his bosom. Along the way, he thought about how many times he wanted to open it up and have a look, but felt that it was inappropriate, so he kept going. Instead of reading it, he crumpled the envelope into a mess.

"What is this?" she asked.

Ruan Guogong said: "You should read the letter from Min Hengzhi."

Brother Hengzhi wrote her a letter?She froze for a while, and when she came back to her senses, she realized that her hands were shaking slightly.

With trembling hands, he opened the envelope and sat down in front of his couch like holding a rare treasure. The handwriting on the letter was quite different from the one before. One cannot take one's eyes away once one sees it.

The letter was not long, not even a full page, but she read it for a long, long time.

(End of this chapter)

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