Chapter 607

Chapter 608

Her teary eyes were dancing, her heart was hurting, she was hurting, and suddenly the pain stopped, and the turbidity that had been stuffed in her heart was released instead. Her love for Brother Hengzhi was like a wave of obsession. Nian, she imprisoned herself in a cage, and she did not have the key to lock the cage, only in Min Hengzhi's hands.

This letter was the key to unlock the cage. She finally walked out and breathed real air.

Seeing his daughter crying and laughing, Ruan Guogong was very worried: "Qingqing, what's wrong with you? What did the letter say?"

Ruan gently folded the letter carefully, held it tightly in his hand, raised his eyebrows and said to his father: "Father, I figured it out, I really figured it out."

Ruan Guogong hurriedly asked, "What have you figured out? Tell Dad quickly."

Ruan gently walked up to his father, knelt down on the ground with a plop, choked up and said, "Father, over the years, you have worried me a lot because of me. I always knew that you locked me up and just used your way to protect me. I, don’t want me to be hurt, I have always understood, Dad, from now on, I will listen to you in everything, if you let me marry, I will marry, I will do whatever you want me to do, I will not Chasing dreams that are illusory and that no longer exist."

After hearing this, Ruan Guogong was very pleased, he quickly helped his daughter up, and said with a smile: "Okay, good boy, you will find your way back, okay, okay!" He was grateful to Min Hengzhi in his heart.

The father and daughter talked for a while, and the butler came in a hurry, saying that there was a guest asking to see him, so he hurriedly got up and took the crutch from the butler.

Ruan Weiwei was puzzled: "Father, you have good legs and feet, why do you still use crutches?"

Ruan Guogong smiled bitterly: "No need, you will know later."

His fall in front of Prince Jin's Mansion was not an accident. The situation in the court was unclear, and he didn't want to stand in any of his teams. He just hoped to get away with it, to protect himself and his family. This was his only thought.


"Is there any movement in Ruan Guogong?" Chu Lian asked his trusted guard.

The guard replied: "According to the report from the spies, Duke Ruan has been recovering from his injuries in the mansion recently. Due to inconvenient legs and feet, he has not gone to the camp for several days to enlist troops. He only sent some people to collect food and grass. It seems that he is preparing for the dispatch of troops."

Chu Lian nodded, and asked again: "Where is King Jin? Is there anything suspicious recently?"

The guard looked at Li Ku, who was standing a little further away, and said, "Your Majesty, Li Ku is following up the Jin Palace, and his subordinates don't know about it."

Chu Lian raised his eyes to look at Li Ku again, and Li Ku hurriedly said: "Go back to the emperor, the King of Jin has been living in the palace recently, and he has not been allowed to enter the palace to see the princess twice, so he has never left the palace and has never had any contact with the minister .”

Even Li Ku had to admire Min Hengzhi's patience. He acted very cautiously, and it was extremely difficult to get hold of him. Of course, even if he got hold of Min Hengzhi, he would naturally not tell Chu Lian.

Chu Lian frowned, the more he was like this, the more suspicious he became, especially at such a critical juncture, Min Hengzhi actually met Ruan Guogong, Ruan Guogong broke his leg as soon as he came out of the Jin Palace, this is suspicious no matter how you think about it.

"Keep staring, don't let up."

"Subordinates obey."


Night, Hall of Two Hearts.

A black figure swept in from the outside of the palace wall in the darkness of night, like a night elf darting through the inner palace, he was obviously very familiar with the inner palace, and was familiar with when and where there were Habayashi guards patrolling.

(End of this chapter)

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