Chapter 608
Chapter 609

After darting around the inner palace for a while, the black shadow came directly to the outside of the Hall of Two Hearts. This was the second time in his life that he broke into the Forbidden Palace at night.

The first time was for Tian Yu, this time it was for Qi Rongyue.

There are people in the inner palace who know that Qi Rongyue lives in the side hall of the Hall of Two Hearts.

When the Hall of Two Hearts was not the Hall of Two Hearts, he had been there many times, and he was very familiar with the layout of the Hall of Two Hearts. He avoided the night watch maids and a few female guards, and came to the window at the back of the side hall. , the windows were closed tightly, and it was pitch black inside. He knew that Rong Yue lived here, but he didn't know if she was the only one there.

He stood under the window and imitated the birdsong, and only after he finished learning did he feel that something was wrong. It was already winter, where did the birds come from?

Qi Rongyue in the room had already closed her eyes. When she heard the sound of birds singing outside, she immediately opened her eyes and looked sideways at Su'er, the court lady who was on the other bed. Su'er was already asleep after a long day of exhaustion. No sound could wake her up.

She took out a soothing incense from the medicine box, lit the soothing incense and placed it beside Su'er. After making sure that she would not wake up, she walked to the window and pushed the window open a small crack.

There was no one outside the window, she could only smell a smell, a very familiar smell.

So she pushed the window open and whispered, "Come out."

Min Hengzhi stepped out of the shadows, stood under the window, and looked at him.

"Did the people in the prison make things difficult for you?" he asked.

She shook her head: "No, I'm fine, what are you doing here? If someone finds out, do you know the consequences?"

Min Hengzhi smiled: "Hasn't this been discovered?"

She sighed softly: "You really healed your scar and forgot the pain. In the past—" She suddenly stopped talking, and stopped talking. Seeing his strange gaze, she quickly changed the subject and said, "But there is news about Tianqi. ?”

Min Hengzhi shook his head, frowning tightly: "No, I'm here today because I have something important to tell you."

Her heart suffocated: "What?"

"I went to the Imperial Study Room today, and happened to come across an urgent report from Mobei."

"Say what?" she asked anxiously.

Min Hengzhi also looked worried: "The urgent report said that the elite soldiers sent by Mobei found an oasis in the desert. It was confirmed that Zheng Shizi and the others had been to the oasis, and they had mastered the route of the master and the others to find the black cavalry. Thousands of elite soldiers have already gone to intercept, and now I don't know what the situation is."

Qi Rongyue clenched her fists tightly and said with a frown: "I believe in their ability, they will definitely find the Black Cavalry before they are stopped, as long as they find the Black Cavalry, they don't have to be afraid of anything, the Black Cavalry is there , they will all be safe."

Min Hengzhi said with a relaxed smile: "That's natural, our master is not an ordinary person, with her here, what else is there to worry about?"

She took a deep breath, suppressed the uneasiness in her heart, and asked again: "What's the matter with the court?"

Min Hengzhi nodded: "Yes, Chu Lian intends to use the 30 troops from Nanweiguan to fight against Lord Zhenghou in Longxi."

Qi Rongyue's complexion changed slightly, and her voice raised unconsciously: "Is he crazy? How can the 30 troops at Nanwei Pass move? Isn't it a chance for people to sneak in?"

Min Hengzhi said: "I think he is going to put all his eggs in one basket. If he can't keep the throne, what's the use of keeping Nanwei Pass?"

Seeing that she was silent, he asked again: "I heard that Yin Yixuan entered the palace yesterday, did you see him?"

Qi Rongyue raised her eyebrows, and looked at Min Hengzhi with burning eyes: "You are really well informed."

(End of this chapter)

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