Chapter 609 Black Desert

Chapter 610

Min Hengzhi laughed dryly: "There are a few of my people in the palace, don't worry, they don't know the inside story."

Qi Rongyue said: "You don't need to deliberately pay attention to my affairs, do what you should do, I can take care of myself, now I am still useful to Chu Tianxin, they won't do anything to me, when it's time When the time is right, I will find my own way out of the palace, and I will never let them have the opportunity to blackmail Zhongwen and Brother Qi with me."

Min Hengzhi nodded in response, with a faint sense of loss in her heart, she always rejected him thousands of miles away, and seemed unwilling to accept even the concern between ordinary friends, let alone other things.

"Okay, then I'm leaving, you should be more careful." He glanced at her for the last time, and when he saw that her eyes were elsewhere, he didn't stop there, turned his head and plunged into the night.

The maid in the room fell asleep, she sat by the bed in a daze, and sat all night.

Mobei - Black Desert.

The reason why the Black Desert is called the Black Desert is because the weather is very bad, and sandstorms are raging almost every day. The sky is filled with black sand, and the sky and the road are not visible.

Therefore, it is known as the black desert, which is in sharp contrast with the yellow desert on the other side. The strange thing is that there seems to be an invisible barrier between the black desert and the yellow desert. No matter how violent the storm is on the black desert side, it will not cross the border. Enter the boundary of the Yellow Desert.

Almost no desert residents or caravans will enter the Black Desert, which seems to be a road of no return.

The Devil's Cave, where the Black Cavalry Army is located, is in the depths of the Black Desert, and it can only be reached by walking through the most thrilling and dangerous road in the Black Desert.

This is also the biggest reason why the Black Cavalry has not been discovered for so many years in the desert.

The team of 87 plunged into the black desert, and moved forward with difficulty in the black sand storm that filled the sky.

"My lord, the water and dry food we brought are running low. If this continues, the brothers may not last long."

The Black Desert is different from the Yellow Desert. The wind here is strong, and walking is particularly strenuous. Every step you take takes twice as much effort as in the Yellow Desert, and the consumption of water and food will naturally be greater.

It's a dark night with no stars. I don't know if it's dark clouds closing the moon, or black sand covering the sky.

"Brother Zhongwen, what are you looking at?" Dina couldn't sleep, seeing Zheng Zhongwen standing on the sandy slope looking up, she leaned forward.

Zheng Zhongwen looked back at her, and said softly, "I'm looking for stars."

"Looking for a star?" Dina was puzzled, "What do you do looking for a star?"

Zhongwen lowered his upturned head: "I have read a book about astrology. It is said in the book that a star has a position, and its position can be counted. If I can find the star mentioned in the book, Maybe we can find the right direction and lead us to the Devil's Cave."

Dina let out a groan, and looked around, the wind was howling continuously, the distance could not be seen for a few feet, and the sky was even more gloomy, where did the stars come from.

Dina thought of something, and hurriedly said: "I heard from Dad that the sky in the desert will become very clean and bright after encountering a big storm, and the stars are like brocades, which is extremely beautiful."

Zheng Zhongwen frowned: "Isn't the weather like this considered a big storm?"

Dina shook her head: "Of course not. A real big storm can sweep people into the sky. It's really nothing."

"Is it the kind of storm your father encountered?" He frowned: "If we encounter that kind of storm, can we still survive?" Won't we be torn to pieces by the hurricane?
happy New Year!

see you tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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