Chapter 610 Hurricane
Chapter 611

Dina was also full of worry: "It's hard to say, Father was also seriously injured that time, he used his body to protect Mother, so Mother was not injured, Father is considered lucky, just happened to be thrown into the Devil's Den by the hurricane , otherwise, the consequences are really hard to predict.”

In other words, not everyone who encounters a hurricane will be lucky enough to fall into the devil's den, and not all of them may save their lives.

He can't take risks, and Tian Qi can't take risks.

"Miss Dina, did Diabo tell you how to avoid such a hurricane?"

Dina nodded: "As I said before, when I left Luther Village this time, Dad told me that if there was a hurricane, I would find a rocky slope and tie myself to the rocky slope. Without something like a rocky slope, we all huddled together, and when the hurricane went away, we were safe."

Speaking of the stone slope, Zheng Zhongwen looked down at his feet. Isn't what he is stepping on now a stone slope?The stone slope is not too big, just convenient for the ropes to be butted and tied.

He laughed and said: "This is indeed a good way. After the hurricane sweeps away the black sand, we can see the stars in the night sky, and then we can determine the direction of travel according to the star position."

Seeing that his frowns were flattened, Dina was in a good mood, and said with a smile: "My father also said that before the hurricane came, you could see the black clouds churning and surging in the sky, just like black water boiling in a pot."

Zheng Zhongwen said with a smile: "It seems that we are lucky. In the evening, I happened to see black clouds churning and surging in the sky. Since nightfall, the wind has become much stronger than usual. It seems that the hurricane is not far away from us."

He quickly fled down the hillside and shouted to the people who had already fallen asleep: "Everyone, get up, the hurricane is coming, we must be prepared first, otherwise, once the hurricane strikes, we will have no resistance at all. Wait to die."

Everyone was awakened by Zheng Zhongwen's voice, and the crowd immediately became commotion.

Jian Yun said loudly: "Everyone, don't panic, first listen to what Zhongwen has to say."

At this time, Zhongwen had already taken out the rope from the back of the camel kneeling on the ground. He raised the rope in his hand and said, "Everyone take out the ropes they brought and connect them all. Before the hurricane arrives, we will take the camel And we are all tied to this rocky slope to avoid being swept up into the sky by the hurricane. The hurricane will move. As long as we can survive this moment, once the hurricane is gone, we will be able to find the right direction and enter the devil's den, just around the corner. "

Zheng Zhongwen's words were very contagious, everyone believed in him deeply, as if victory was just ahead, their tired bodies and minds were immediately filled with energy, they all took out their own ropes, connected the ropes according to what Zheng Zhongwen said, and then Tie the camel and yourself to the rocky slope.

This end was not tied properly, and the yellow and black dust on the ground hit the sky and covered their heads and faces.

Zheng Zhongwen shouted: "Hurry up, speed up, the hurricane is coming soon." He tied Chu Tianqi to his side, and wrapped their arms tightly together with his belt.

"Tianqi, are you afraid?" He spat out the black sand that he swallowed because of talking.

Tianqi shook his head: "Brother Zhongwen, with you here, I am not afraid of anything." He looked seriously at Zheng Zhongwen beside him, he was like a big mountain, sheltering him from wind and rain, making him feel at ease.

Just like when his imperial sister was still alive!
(End of this chapter)

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