Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 611 Xiao has thought about the woman all his life

Chapter 611 The Woman Xiao Has Wanted For All Her Life

Chapter 612

Zheng Zhongwen nodded: "Okay, he has courage, he is worthy of being the younger brother of the eldest princess." He was quite proud that the boy in front of him would definitely become the wise king of the Chu Dynasty.

And all the hard work they put in was worth it.

The destructive power of the hurricane is beyond everyone's imagination. It seems that a giant hand that can tear the sky and the earth stretched out from the void, constantly pulling them, trying to pull them into the dark and lightless hell. Only the burden escaped from the camel's back and flew into the huge vortex filled with black sand.

They gritted their teeth, and all of them held their hands tightly together, using their minds and all their strength to calm down, tenaciously resisting the pull of the hurricane.

Mr. Wan turned his head, looked at Jian Yun with fluttering hair beside him, and suddenly shouted: "Jian Yun—promise me, if you can go back alive, marry me, marry me?"

Jian Yun turned her head to look at him in astonishment, that face was so close, the former rich and handsome man had long since disappeared, his complexion was black and red, his hair was dry and messy, and his figure was much thinner than when he first entered the desert. You can stay out of it, but he came here regardless of everything, and has been by her side all the time. It is undeniable that she hated him, annoyed him, and sometimes even wished that this person who clings to her like a fly would completely disappear in front of her. Right now, but slowly, she got used to his existence, and accepted his meticulous care for her with peace of mind, and gradually began to worry about his safety, and every trace of concern quietly grew in her heart.

At this moment, at this moment of life and death, she suddenly had an impulse, an impulse that seemed ridiculous to her in the past.

"it is good!"

Mr. Wan was stunned. He thought that she would turn a blind eye to his overtures as before. He thought that she would reject him justly and despise him as before.

He recovered and shouted: "What are you talking about? I can't hear you!"

She smiled, even though that smiling face was covered with black and yellow dust, it was still radiant and brilliant: "I say, I promise you."

If it wasn't for his body being tied up with ropes, he would definitely jump up crazily now, and hold Jian Yun around a hundred times to express his excitement at this moment.

He missed Xiao Xiao's woman for a lifetime, and finally accepted his marriage proposal at this moment.

He imagined the scene where she agreed to marry him countless times, but he never thought that it would be in such a situation, at this moment of life and death.

The hurricane came and went quickly. It took away everything it could, including a few camels that were not tied tightly. Everyone's body was half covered by the sand, and their arms could still move normally. They took out their bodies one after another. dagger, cut the ropes that bound his body, and regained his freedom.

Although they suffered heavy losses after experiencing the hurricane, there was nothing left of the few dry food and water left, and they were all swept away by the hurricane, not even a single one of the dozens of wolf skins was left.

But fortunately, fortunately, all of them are safe and sound.

Zheng Zhongwen raised his head and looked up at the sky. As Dina said, after the hurricane, the originally dark sky finally cleared the dark clouds, and the sky full of stars and moons fell on the black desert mixed with black and yellow, giving off a layer of strange brilliance. The beauty is breathtaking.

Behind the ultimate beauty is the ultimate danger. Only after experiencing such an extreme danger can we see such a beautiful scenery.

(End of this chapter)

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