Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 618 Allegiance to Ming Lord

Chapter 618 Allegiance to Ming Lord
Chapter 619

"Should we kill him now?" Chu Tianqi asked Zheng Zhongwen.

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head: "It's still useful to keep him, let's tie him up first."

General Tianhu immediately ordered his men to tie him up and take him away.

Luther Village has been completely destroyed. There are nearly 200 people in the village, and now there are only about [-] people left alive.

The Black Cavalry Army helped the surviving villagers to bury their relatives, and took all the remaining villagers to leave Luther Village and the desert together.

Dina held her father's ashes in her arms, and sat on the sandy slope in the cold night in a daze, with wet tears in the corners of her eyes.

Di Jia came to her side, pushed Dina lightly, and asked, "Sister, who is the son of Zheng? What kind of official is the son? How old is the official?"

Dina wiped away her tears, gave her a sideways glance, and said angrily, "What are you asking about?"

Di Jia laughed twice: "It's nothing, just ask casually."

Di Jia is 14 years old this year. She and Di Wu are twins, but their temperaments are quite different. Maybe one looks like a father and the other looks like a mother.

Although the relationship between Dina and Di Jia is not close, they are very familiar with each other. How could she not see Di Jia's thoughts, and she couldn't help sneering: "You should put away your thoughts, Zheng Shizi already has Fiancee, a man like him will never look at you more, you'd better be honest, don't make trouble, I'm tired of it, and send you back to Luther Village alone."

Looking at Dina's cold eyes, Di Jia couldn't help shivering, and said with a dry smile, "Look, look at what you said, I'm not that kind of person, I'm just curious, just asking casually, you think too much."

Dina snorted: "I hope I think too much, you'd better not think too much, otherwise, I will never forgive you."

Di Jia didn't dare to mess with her anymore, she didn't have her father and mother to rely on now, and that boy Diwu only obeyed Dina's order, and all she could count on was Dina, who couldn't be in front of her like before presumptuous.

She glanced at the small jar in Dina's arms, and sighed, "Eldest sister, why did you bother to bring Father's ashes out? Father has been in Luther Village all his life, and he definitely doesn't want to leave there."

Dina shook her head: "Father said that home is where we are. We are gone, so how could it be his home?" She didn't want to leave Father alone in Luther Village to sleep forever. Dad left and took him to see the world outside the desert.

When Di Jia thought that her mother who loved her would leave her forever, she felt sore, and turned her head and threw herself on Dina's shoulder, sobbing.

In the past, Dina would have pushed her away fiercely, but at this moment, she couldn't help but let Dijia lay on her shoulders, her clothes were wet with tears.

As Zheng Zhongwen and Jian Yun expected, a large number of Chu soldiers were stationed at the exit of the desert closest to the water source.

When the figure of the black cavalry appeared in Chu Bing's eyes, panic and fear silently permeated the entire army.

Zheng Zhongwen pushed the captured general to the front and asked him to speak.

The general was riding on the back of a tall camel, his hands were tied behind him by a rope, and the other end of the rope that tied the camel was held in the hands of the black riding guard behind him. He had no way to escape.

The general shouted loudly: "Brothers, don't shoot arrows. I am Li Gu, the deputy commander. Behind me are not only the black cavalry, but also our emperor. The emperor is not dead. Chu Lian conspired against the emperor. I escaped by chance, and by virtue of the last emperor's decree, found and led the Black Cavalry Army, and will return to the throne, my brothers should put down their weapons immediately and serve the Ming Lord, and don't be fooled by the rebels."

(End of this chapter)

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