Chapter 619 Return to his place
Chapter 620

After Li Gu finished speaking, he looked back at Zheng Zhongwen, with a flattering smile on his face: "My lord, you see that I have done as you said, can you let me go now?"

Before Zheng Zhongwen could speak, a sharp arrow pierced through the air and stabbed fiercely into the back of Li Gu's heart. The flattering smile froze immediately, and he turned sideways and fell into the sand.

"Traitor, death is not a pity." A deep and stern voice came from the opposing army.

Zheng Zhongwen took a few steps forward on the camel, and said loudly towards the source of the voice: "General Luo, you have been stationed in Mobei for more than ten years. You should know the name of the Black Cavalry Army. The Black Cavalry Army was trained by the former emperor himself. Only the late emperor, or the heir to the throne designated by the late emperor, can dispatch a personal guard, otherwise, the black cavalry will not listen to anyone's order."

A burly middle-aged man stepped out from among several rows of soldiers holding bows and arrows. The man had a thick beard and a rough appearance, but his eyes were very handsome and spirited.

"You mean, anyone who can dispatch the black cavalry is the emperor?" General Luo raised his brows, staring at Zheng Zhongwen with sharp eyes.

Zheng Zhongwen said: "The former emperor did not die suddenly, and the emperor was not burned to death in the palace. I believe that I don't need to say more about Chu Lian's attempt to usurp the throne. Many people know it well, but there is no heir to the imperial line in the Chu Dynasty. , Only then did many people of insight give up the opportunity to investigate the root cause, but now, the emperor has returned with the black cavalry, and you have a chance to choose again, either to work together with Chu Lian, or to welcome the righteous master back to the court, the future will definitely be discussed From the power of the dragon."

In terms of Conglong's achievements, this is undoubtedly an attractive condition. He will guard this Mobei for a lifetime, and if he dies, he will be the marshal of an army of [-]. But if what Zheng Shizi said is true, the emperor will be here in the Black Cavalry Army Middle—he surrendered and let go, that is, from the merits of the dragon. In the future, the emperor will regain control of the Chu Palace.

If they don't surrender, even if they are numerous and powerful, they may not be the opponents of the Black Cavalry Army, and they may die in the end.

Thinking of this, he already had an idea in his mind. Human nature is complicated and complicated, and simple and simple. As long as it is beneficial to him, he can naturally do it. If it is not beneficial to him, of course he will not do it.

General Luo raised his hand and said loudly, "Take the bow!"

The archers withdrew their bows and arrows one after another, and took a few steps back.

General Luo only took a few steps forward, and said to Zheng Zhongwen: "Zheng Shizi, Luo believes in you. Today, Luo will act as if he has never seen you. I hope you will have a smooth journey."

After saying that, he turned around and ordered the army to withdraw neatly and quickly, together with the soldiers guarding the foot of Ziyan Mountain, they also withdrew, not one left.

The Camel Villa accepted more than 5000 camels at one time. The owner was both happy and worried. The 5000 camels only exchanged for all 5000 horses in their village. Crisis of hunger. . .

Under the coordination of Zheng Zhongwen, they borrowed [-] war horses from General Luo, and handed them over to the villagers brought out from Luther Village, asking them to settle down properly.

General Luo is now on the same boat as him, and naturally responds to all his requests.

"Master Jian, where will you go when you leave the desert this time?" Dina asked Jian Yun.

Jian Yun shook her head: "I can't tell now, but I will definitely go to the capital in the end, and the emperor will always return to his place."

(End of this chapter)

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