Chapter 624

Chapter 625

When he spoke, he was very angry, as if he was really angry with Qi Rongyue, blaming her for not curing Chu Tianxin's illness.

Seeing him like this, Chu Tian felt very useful and felt very comfortable, he stopped crying immediately, and said in a low voice: "She is not in the palace."

Min Hengzhi's brows tightened even more: "She's not in the palace to treat your illness, where did she go?"

"She said that she wanted to prepare a kind of ointment for me that can remove scars. She also needed some special medicinal materials. The Imperial Medicine Hall didn't have them, and all the medicine shops in the capital city didn't have them, so she went out of the palace to collect herbs by herself."

Min Hengzhi raised his eyebrows, slightly pleased, and asked again: "Did she go alone?"

Chu Tianxin shook his head: "No, I sent two guards to go with her. Father told me that she cannot be allowed out of the palace. I was also afraid that she would play tricks, so I sent someone to watch her."

It was just two guards, Min Hengzhi knew that Qi Rongyue could handle it, he felt relieved, the gloom swept away from his brows, and he said with a smile: "Since this is the case, the princess' illness will definitely be cured."

As soon as Min Hengzhi's words fell, an eunuch hurried over and said to Chu Tian, ​​"Your Highness, the emperor ordered the servants to come and invite Miss Qi."

Chu Tianxin frowned: "What does the emperor want her for?"

The eunuch shook his head: "I don't know, please ask the princess to let Miss Qi come out."

Chu Tianxin shook his head: "She is not in the palace, she left the palace yesterday, and it is estimated that she will not be able to return until tomorrow at the earliest."

The eunuch's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly asked, "Where did Miss Qi go?"

Chu Tian thought to himself: "I went to gather medicine, what's the matter? Is the father looking for her in a hurry?"

The eunuch didn't say much, he hurriedly bid farewell to Chu Tianxin, and hurried back to the imperial study.

Min Hengzhi got the news he wanted, and immediately took his leave and left, not wanting to stay any longer.

After Min Hengzhi left for a while, Chu Tian felt something was wrong. Hengzhi came to see her today, but he didn't tell her how much he missed her. Could it be because he saw her face. . .

Or, she didn't come for her at all?Not for her, but for whom?Thinking of the conversation with him just now, the few short sentences seemed to be all about Qi Rongyue, could it be that he deliberately came to inquire about Qi Rongyue's news?

With her slender fingers tightly twisting the quilt, she kept shaking her head: "No, definitely not, Hengzhi won't like that bitch Qi Rongyue, definitely not."

When Chu Lian learned that Qi Rongyue was sent out to the palace to collect medicine, his heart was in a bad mood, so he immediately sent out experts to chase him, hoping to bring him back to the palace as soon as possible. With her around, he didn't believe that Zheng Zhongwen would have no scruples.

At the foot of Luoyang Mountain, the closest mountain to the capital city, two guards blocked Qi Rongyue's way with ill intentions.

The tall and thin man stood in front of Qi Rongyue, smiled and said: "Miss Qi, I don't think it's getting early, why don't we go up the mountain now, let's find a flat place to rest for the night." When it comes to the task of "protecting" Ms. Qi, his heart has been itching all the time. In the past, he would not have dared to do anything wrong, but now, Ms. Qi's ex-fiance has become a traitor. It was because of her lack of intentions, and disciples like the Marquis of Wenchang would definitely not accept her. Most importantly, before they left the palace, they got a hint from the maid beside Princess Tianxin that they could do whatever they wanted without any scruples.

It seems that she offended Princess Tianxin, and it just happened to take advantage of the two brothers. Such beauties are rare.

(End of this chapter)

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