Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 625 Killing without blinking

Chapter 625 Killing without blinking
Chapter 626

Qi Rongyue looked coldly at the tall and thin man in front of her, and said softly, "What do you mean?"

The tall and thin man chuckled, "What do I mean? You're so smart, it's impossible for you not to understand?"

The fat man standing next to the tall and thin man was impatient, and said to the tall and thin man, "Why are you talking to her? I'm so angry, hurry up, will you go first or should I go first?"

Qi Rongyue laughed suddenly, her eyes were as bright as spring flowers, but her eyes were as cold as ice blades: "I wanted to keep you alive until tomorrow, but it seems that you don't want to live another day."

Seeing that her expression was wrong, the tall and thin man was about to reach out to grab her, but felt a pain in his chest. He looked down and saw a few golden needles stuck in his chest. He felt that his body could not move, and he couldn't use any strength, so he couldn't help being frightened. Frustrated, he shouted at Qi Rongyue: "You, what did you do to me?"

The fat man next to the thin and tall man was not much better than him, and the same chest was pierced by a golden needle, and he lost all his strength.

"You, what do you want to do?" The fat man asked in surprise, the hot anger on his body disappeared without a trace. He thought he met a soft girl, but he didn't expect it to be a tattoo.

"What do you want to do? I also want to ask you what you want to do." She took out the dagger tied to her wrist from her sleeve, the sharp blade was sharp and cold, revealing a murderous look.

When the tall and thin man saw the dagger, he was frightened into incoherent speech immediately: "Qi, miss Qi, please forgive us, we, we didn't mean to offend, yes, it's the princess, it was the princess who asked us to do this."

"Really? If the princess didn't order, wouldn't you do it?" Some people are born with bad bones, and they can't get rid of it. The two people in front of them are like this. She can guarantee that even if it is not arranged by Chu Tianxin, they The same will move the wrong idea.

The fat man nodded quickly: "Of course, if it wasn't for the princess's order, how could we have evil thoughts about you, Miss Qi? Absolutely not."

If it was Chu Tianyu in the previous life, after hearing such a plea for forgiveness, she might consider sparing their lives, but she is no longer Chu Tianyu, she is Qi Rongyue, she knows what the consequences of letting these two go, she Such a change will not be allowed to happen, these two people must die.

The tall and thin man and the fat man never imagined that such a weak and beautiful girl would kill someone without even blinking an eye.

They stared at Qi Rongyue with staring eyes, until her figure gradually disappeared from their eyes, and their bodies became colder and colder.

After walking back to the official road for a while, the sound of the speeding carriage sounded in the distance in front of her. The carriage gradually approached. Looking at the girl sitting in the front of the carriage, her smile became brighter and brighter.

Xue'er jumped out of the car, rushed towards Qi Rongyue with great momentum, and hugged her tightly, crying out of breath, unable to utter a whole sentence.

She patted Xue'er on the back and said with a smile: "Silly girl, am I fine? Why are you crying?"

After comforting Xue'er for a while, Qi Rongyue said: "Don't cry, let's go, after a while Chu Lian will send someone to chase us, we won't be able to leave even if we want to."

Xue'er nodded heavily, pulled Qi Rongyue into the carriage, and the carriage galloped away, returning to the capital.

"Miss, we finally left Kyoto, why do we have to go back?"

Qi Rongyue took the things she handed over, quickly changed herself and Xue'er, put on coarse old clothes, and looked like two rural girls.

She smiled and said, "The more dangerous the place, the safer it is."

(End of this chapter)

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