Chapter 626

Chapter 627

Of course she wanted to go back to the capital, she had sworn that she would go to the capital personally to meet the sky and help him regain the throne with her own hands.

She will never leave Kyoto until all this is done.

When they were outside the city, the two got out of the carriage early, bought a basket of eggs from a peasant woman on the road, and disguised themselves as a peasant woman who went to Beijing to sell eggs, which did not attract the attention of the guards.

After the two came to Beijing, they found an old private house to rent. The landlord was a kind aunt. The house was not big. There were only three rooms in total. One room was lived by the aunt herself, one room was lived by her daughter, and the youngest room was this one. So they rented it out to Qi Rongyue and Xue'er. Although it was a bit crowded, the place was inconspicuous, but it was well connected, so it was convenient to go anywhere.

Although Qi Rongyue was rich, she only paid one month's rent in advance, so as not to let people see that they were not ordinary peasant girls.

Xue'er was making the bed and wiping the dust in the room, while Qi Rongyue was standing under the window thinking about something, at this moment a tall and slightly fat woman strode in, looked carefully at the two of them, and pointed at Qi Rong Yue frowned and said, "You must be my sister."

Qi Rongyue raised her eyebrows: "Why do you see that?"

"My elder sister bullies my younger sister, and I let my younger sister do all the dirty work alone." The woman complained for Xue'er with a displeased expression.

Xue'er hurriedly said: "What nonsense are you talking about, my sister didn't bully me, just now my sister was working, and I just took over."

The woman obviously didn't believe it, her eyes fell on the hands of the two of them, one was white and slender, as tender as a light-white one, and the other finger was flushed, it looked like it had been soaked in cold water.

Xue'er was dissatisfied with her looking at Miss like this, and shouted: "Elder Sister, don't worry about our sister's affairs, you can go out, we are going to rest."

The woman refused to leave after hearing Xueer's words, and began to chatter endlessly, no matter how hard Ren Xueer yelled at her, she couldn't leave.

Aunt Huang, who came out of the kitchen, saw that her daughter was meddling again, so she rushed to Qi Rongyue and Xueer's room, dragged her daughter away, turned around and said to Xueer: "You two girls Just kidding, she has this problem, she can't get rid of it no matter what, it's because of this problem that she was dismissed from the house by her husband's family, please take care of her, don't be as knowledgeable as her."

Qi Rongyue waved her hand: "It's okay, we don't mind, it's her kindness."

Aunt Huang was relieved to see that she was so big and didn't care about her like the previous tenants did, and she thanked her repeatedly.

Qi Rongyue asked again: "Ma'am, I see that you have grown a lot of vegetables in your backyard, do you all eat them yourself?"

Aunt Huang hurriedly waved her hand: "No, no, how come our mothers and I can eat so many dishes, these are all to be sent to the noble man's house, and some fresh dishes are sent to the nobleman's house every day."

Speaking of this, Aunt Huang said proudly: "The water we use for watering vegetables is ancient well water, which is very clear and sweet, and the vegetables grown with this kind of water are also particularly fresh and sweet. This is why the noble family is willing to buy us for a long time. The reason for the food."

Speaking of this, she sighed again: "It's a pity that there is too little land in the yard to get more vegetables. Otherwise, if I can make more money, Xiu'er won't be kicked out of the house by her husband's family." .”

Qi Rongyue asked: "Aunt Huang, whose house is the nobleman you are talking about?"

Aunt Huang saw that she seemed to be just asking casually, so she didn't have too many worries, and said directly: "It's Lord Hu who lives in East Street, Lord Zhu who lives in Heyuan Street, and Lord Qi's mansion who lives in West Street."

(End of this chapter)

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