Chapter 630 Bloody Vengeance!
Chapter 631

The two fell one after the other, and it took only a few breaths. Ruan Guogong looked at Li Ku in amazement, his eyes full of disbelief.

Isn't this the cronies of the emperor?what happened?

Li Ku withdrew his sword and cupped his fists at Duke Ruan: "The Duke is frightened."

Ruan Guogong frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Li wryly smiled and said: "The villain knows exactly what you said to the King of Jin in the Jin Palace before you left Beijing. You fell on your leg when you went out, and the villain also knows exactly how you fell, but these things have always been only a little Everyone knows, because the villain always believes that sooner or later, the Duke will be on the same boat as King Jin."

Ruan Guogong raised his eyebrows: "So, you are from King Jin?"

Li Ku shook his head: "I am no one, I just don't want Chu Lian to continue to sit on the throne, he is not worthy."

Hearing this, Ruan Guogong felt relieved, no matter who he is, as long as he is not from Chu Lian.

"It seems that the little brother has an enmity with the emperor—Chu Lian."

Li Ku didn't deny it either: "Blood feud!"

Ruan Guogong nodded: "Chu Lian is cruel and cruel by nature, so naturally he has many enemies." He turned his eyes to look at Li Ku, and said again: "You are Chu Lian's trusted bodyguard, and there are countless opportunities to get in touch with him. Isn't it easy to kill him?"

Li Ku sneered: "Wouldn't it be cheaper to kill him with one knife? I want to make his life worse than death, so what if he got the throne after all the painstaking efforts? Don't he still have to be pulled down? Fell into the black mud from the clouds He should also have a taste of it."

All the hardships and tribulations he has suffered should be experienced by Chu Lian, a villain.

Ruan Guogong said: "What should we do now? You killed General Wu, and such a living person disappeared for nothing. It is impossible for Chu Lian not to be suspicious."

Li Ku said: "It seems that you haven't received the news yet, the emperor has found the Black Cavalry Army and returned to Chu."

Ruan Guogong looked happy, it seems that he is on the wrong team.

"Then where is the emperor now?" Ruan Guogong asked anxiously.

Li Ku shook his head: "I don't know either, but Chu Lian suspects that the emperor and Zheng Shizi will lead the black cavalry all the way to the west, rendezvous with the 20 troops in Longxi, and then return to Beijing with the flag, so he is anxious to let General Wu come. Take over the Nanwei army in order to counter the emperor."

Ruan Guogong shook his head and sighed: "Chu Lian is too selfish and unrighteous. The Nanwei army guards the Nanwei Pass. How can it be easily transferred away? The Southern Dynasty has been eyeing our Chu Dynasty for many years, and there is no moment when they do not want to send troops to attack Chu, because there are 30 troops stationed there. The Nanwei Pass has no choice but to give up, if the army is transferred away, the Southern Dynasty will definitely send troops down, and I don’t know how many cities will suffer.”

Li Kudao: "I have already killed General Wu for you, so you can stay in Nanwei with peace of mind. As the King of Jin said, you don't need to do anything, just stand still. For other matters, the King of Jin and the Emperor have their own opinions."

Ruan Guogong nodded: "That's very good!"

When Li Ku returned to the station, he killed all the lieutenants and followers brought by General Wu overnight, and Nanwei and Jingdu were completely cut off.

Three days later, Chu Palace, Yushufang.

"What did you say? Say it again!" Chu Lian glared at Mr. Xiao, the left servant of the Ministry of War who was kneeling a few feet away, with dark eyes.

Master Xiao's heart trembled, and he repeated: "Your Majesty, where the Black Cavalry Army passed by, the gates of the city were opened wide, and the common people embraced, enshrined, enshrined Chu Tianqi as His Majesty the True Emperor."

"He is His Majesty the real emperor, and I am the false emperor?"

Master Xiao hurriedly knocked on the ground, too frightened to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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