Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 631 Mr. Hu is not very peaceful

Chapter 631 Mr. Hu is not very peaceful

Chapter 632

Chu Lian only felt his temples throbbing, and the pain was severe, but he still braced his head and asked, "Is there any news from Nanwei?"

Lord Xiao shook his head: "No news at all."

Chu Lian felt his head hurting more and more. It seemed that Nan Wei couldn't point it out. Ruan also had the guts of Xiong Xinbao to join forces with Zheng Xiuwu to rebel?

If Nan Wei can't count on it, what else can he count on?
His head hurts more and more, and he really regrets that he didn't take the military power into his hands earlier. He planned to take it slowly, cultivate a few truly trustworthy generals, and then take the soldier talisman back to another place. Now that I think about it, I really regret it!

"Pass down the order, order the city defense department to raise its vigilance, and report any abnormalities in time."

The next day, the Golden Luang Hall.

Chu Lian looked at the few court officials left and right in the palace, and heard the eunuchs singing the names of court officials who asked for sick leave or personal leave, and almost vomited blood angrily. on.

"All those who did not go to court today, write it down for me. After this matter is over, I will settle accounts with them one by one." He said to the eunuch beside him.

The few adults who were still standing in the court were Chu Lian's cronies when he was the prince. It is said that one person attains the Tao and a dog ascends to heaven. After Chu Lian ascended the throne, they also squeezed into the court and held important positions.

Minister of Industry Xin Daren said: "Your Majesty, I heard that Mr. Hu has not been very peaceful recently, and he has been in and out of the residences of all the lords many times. In my opinion, Mr. Hu has nothing to do with the matter of stopping the court today."

Chu Lian frowned: "Since this happened, why did you report it now?"

Master Xin said: "Back to the emperor, I only learned about this before entering the palace today."

Master Right Xiangqu said: "Your Majesty, why don't you announce Lord Hu into the palace, punish him, kill him as an example, and let those courtiers who have dismissed the court see what the fate of disobedience will be."

His Excellency Zuo Xiangjing hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, it is absolutely impossible. Now that the court situation is unstable, these courtiers are just afraid that they are in the wrong team, and they are unwilling to come to the court at this time. It will make the rest of the courtiers even more chilling and force them to rebel."

Mr. Qu snorted: "Listen to what you said, is it possible that the emperor knows that Hu Haiming is lobbying all the ministers to quit the court, so he still wants to let him go?"

Master Jing glared at Master Qu, and said displeasedly: "When did I say let it go? What I mean is, don't move for now, focus on the overall situation, and it won't be too late to settle accounts after the autumn."

Chu Lian's temperament is quite similar to Master Qu's, and he has always been decisive in killing and attacking. Facing things like Hu Haiming, in the past, he would definitely attack without hesitation, but now it is different from the past. With soldiers approaching the city, if he made a big move at this time, it would definitely chill the hearts of the courtiers and make them more focused on outward.

"Let's put Hu Haiming aside in advance. He has no real power, and he can't figure out any tricks. Let's talk about how to deal with the matter of the black cavalry going north and the Longxi army."

Lord Qu shut his mouth, and Lord Jing remained silent, they are all speech officers, and if they are not proficient in leading troops to fight, they will not be able to help the emperor.

The two of them turned their eyes to Lord Xiao. Lord Xiao is the left servant of the Ministry of War. He holds real power, and the news from all parties is first-hand. He should have a way.

Lord Xiao was sweating, seeing the emperor's eyes also swept over, he hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, the most urgent thing is to find a way to mobilize the 30 troops at Nanwei Pass."

Upon hearing this, Master Qu immediately echoed, "That's right, that's right, as long as the 30 troops from Nanwei are transferred, all problems will be easily solved."

(End of this chapter)

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