Chapter 633 Wanted

Chapter 634

Xue'er frowned, and her voice was three points cold: "How do you know my young lady's name?"

Yingzi said: "There is a portrait of her on the notice outside, I have seen it."

"What portrait?" Cher asked.

Yingzi snorted, "Wanted order, the emperor directly ordered the wanted arrest. I never expected that you are a wanted criminal."

Aunt Huang scolded: "Yingzi, you can't talk nonsense, how could Xiaoyue be a wanted criminal, don't talk nonsense."

Yingzi glared at Aunt Huang, and said displeasedly: "Mother, you don't believe anything I say, and you just trust an outsider. Now, let's lure the wanted criminal to the house. After a while, the officers and soldiers will arrest her, and she will be let go." Us?"

Aunt Huang also lost her mind, and hurriedly asked Qi Rongyue: "Xiaoyue, is what Yingzi said true? Are you really a wanted criminal by the court?"

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "I haven't done anything bad, and I don't know that the imperial court is looking for me."

Yingzi snorted coldly: "You don't know that the imperial court is looking for you, do you need to change your surname?"

Xue'er reprimanded: "My lady says she doesn't know, but she doesn't know. Naturally, we have our reasons for changing our surname. Do we need to tell you everything?"

Yingzi said: "Who knows what ghosts you have in mind."

Qi Rongyue ignored Yingzi, and said to Aunt Huang: "Aunt Huang, I am Qi Rongyue. I was originally a doctor. I cured the emperor's leg disease that had not healed for a long time. I also treated Princess Tianxin for several times. Okay, now they are crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, first they forced me to marry Yin Zhuangyuan of the Marquis of Wenchang, and now they want to use me to blackmail Zheng Shizi, but I refused, so I sneaked out of the palace, and I have never done anything harmful to nature."

Aunt Huang nodded repeatedly, she believed in what Qi Rongyue said, and Qi Rongyue didn't look like a liar at all.

Yingzi didn't believe it at all: "Speaking is better than singing. No matter what the reason is, it is a fact that you are a wanted criminal."

Qi Rongyue got up, and said to Aunt Huang: "It's my fault that I didn't reveal my identity in advance. Now that my work is done, I'm going to leave after I regain my appearance. Aunt Huang, thank you for taking care of us all this time, farewell .”

Aunt Huang wants to keep her, but if she wants to leave, she will have to wait until tomorrow. Now that it is dark, the two weak girls will go out like this. What will they do if they meet bad people?
Yingzi stopped Aunt Huang and said anxiously: "Mother, are you crazy? Wouldn't it be better for them to leave? If they stay, what should we do if we attract officers and soldiers?"

Aunt Huang hesitated in her heart, swallowed the words of persuasion in her throat, and watched helplessly as the master and servant disappeared into the night.

"Miss, that Yingzi is so hateful, will she report on us?" Xueer asked.

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "No, although she is eloquent, she is neither bad nor stupid. She won't get any benefits by reporting on us, but it will cause a mess." She can understand Yingzi, after all, she is just an ordinary person, yes The fear of the imperial court is like a shadow, and they are powerless even if they dare not.

"Miss, where are we going now?"

Qi Rongyue smiled lightly, with bright eyes: "Yongping Houfu, my husband's family."

Xue'er laughed out loud: "I've seen a thick-skinned person, but I've never seen a thick-skinned one like you. You haven't married yet, and you consider yourself to be your husband's family."

It was cold winter, the two of them were wearing cotton robes and cloaks, their heads and faces were hidden in wide hats, and in the darkness, no one could see their heads and faces clearly, and they made their way to Yongping Hou Mansion smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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