Chapter 634

Chapter 635

The formerly majestic Hou Mansion is now so lonely and cold submerged in the night.

There was no one around, the door of the mansion was closed, the two of them slipped into the mansion quietly, and went straight to the inner courtyard, she remembered that Zhongwen had told her that in his yard, there were two crabapple plants, and in the blooming season, the flowers were like brocades , too beautiful to behold, said she would like it.

She doesn't like flowers, but the only thing she can look at is crabapple. He planted crabapple in the courtyard, probably because he put a crabapple flower on her temples in the inner palace when he was young.

"It's here." She turned on the light and entered the hospital, and stopped under the bare crabapple tree.

Xue'er raised the lantern a bit higher, and said in surprise: "Miss, look, there are flower bones here."

She walked up to Xue'er, followed the light to look carefully, and she saw that there were many pink flower buds growing in twos and threes on the bare branches.

She was full of surprise, and thought to herself, doesn't this crabapple bloom only in spring?And this branch has no leaves and only flowers, why?
Xue'er smiled and said, "I think this must be a good omen, and the Zheng family is happy."

She raised her eyebrows and smiled, thinking of the day when he would send him away from Beijing, he whispered in her ear that when he came back, they would get married.

A black shadow swept over the wind, like a soaring black eagle that suddenly swooped down and landed in this exquisite courtyard.

Qi Rongyue quickly dropped the lantern in her hand, and pulled out the dagger that shone coldly under the moonlight.

The man hurriedly put down the wide hat on his head, and said anxiously: "Rong Yue, it's me."

It's him?It's Min Hengzhi, why is he here?

Qi Rongyue put away the dagger, frowned and said, "Why are you here?"

Min Heng took two steps forward, and said anxiously: "I've been looking for you for a long time, but I haven't heard from you. I guessed that you would definitely come here if you returned to Beijing, so I came to see you every night. Unexpectedly, today Finally waiting for you."

She deliberately ignored the joy and eagerness in his eyes, and said quietly: "Have you done everything I told you?"

Min Hengzhi nodded: "It's all arranged, and the city defense commander Fuhu has already received the order. As long as Tianqi comes back, they will meet him from the city and go straight to Chu Palace."

Qi Rongyue nodded, and asked again: "Did the ministers of the court have any special reactions recently?"

Min Hengzhi showed surprise on his face: "Could it be that the recent resignation of the ministers has something to do with you?"

"It turned out to be the end of the court." The corners of her tightly pursed lips finally showed a smile: "It's related, I just did what I can."

Min Hengzhi is full of curiosity about her, what kind of girl is she, who dares to take risks alone, can always be indifferent to the world, walks around the devil, but can retreat completely, and even influences courtiers when the wind is calm.

"I just received the news today that Tianqi and Zhongwen have led the black cavalry to the capital, and they have not met any obstacles along the way. It can be seen that where the people are going, Chu Lian's power is gone."

She nodded: "It should be so, Tian Qi is the true son of heaven, who dares to stop?"

When she was speaking, she raised her head involuntarily. Apart from the usual indifference and dignity between her eyebrows and eyes, there was also a trace of royal dignity that he was very familiar with. Her words were cold, her voice was very low, but full of momentum.

Not to mention Min Hengzhi, even Xue'er has never seen Qi Rongyue like this.

Min Hengzhi looked at her, his heart was beating fast, he saw Tian Yu's shadow on her body again, the two seemed to merge into one, it was Qi Rongyue, and it was Chu Tianyu.

Is it his illusion?Is he thinking too much?Is it because he missed the late Tian Yu too much?

(End of this chapter)

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