Chapter 642

Chapter 643

When Chu Lian seized power back then, although they stood in Chu Lian's camp, they didn't play a particularly big role in it, let alone confront Chu Tianqi head-on, so their nature was different from Lord Xiao's.

Master Qu said again: "But Princess Tianxin issued the order to kill just now, is it inappropriate for us to leave the city now?"

Master Luo snorted: "Don't even think about it. All the civil and military officials in the court have gone out of the city. Is there a fool among them? How could they not have thought that Princess Tianxin would issue such an order? But they still went, what does this prove? It proves that they have nothing to worry about, and they will definitely have a future move."

Master Qu nodded: "It makes sense!"

The two agreed, and immediately left the palace and rushed to join the ministers outside the city.

At a moment's notice, all the courtiers that Min Hengzhi and Mr. Hu secretly mobilized and promised to come were basically there, and there were two more uninvited guests.

When Lord Hu saw them, he walked up to the two of them, looked them up and down, and sarcastically said, "Aren't these Lord Qu and Lord Luo? What's the matter? You don't need to accompany the princess to court today? Why do you have time to come here?"

The two adults looked awkward, and said with a dry smile: "Master Hu is joking, we heard that the emperor is returning to the city today, and we got up early in the morning to prepare, and we are sincere."

Master Hu raised his eyebrows: "Really?"

Mr. Wang standing next to Mr. Hu said with a smile: "It's a coincidence, I got up early today to go to my youngest son's house across the street, and I happened to see Mr. Qu's car on the way."

Master Hu smiled and asked: "That's really early enough, I don't know where Master Qu went so early?"

Darren Wang said: "I don't know where to go, but the direction seems to be going to the palace."

As soon as these words came out, what did the adults around them not understand?Sneering and indifferent eyes came one after another, and the two of them were so ashamed that they wanted to dig a hole in the ground and sneak in.

At this time, a carriage came slowly, diverting everyone's attention. The carriage was gorgeous, different from those of all the ministers, and the word Min was engraved on the shaft.

"King Jin is here."

To the ministers, the status of King Jin is actually very embarrassing, and they don't know why King Jin suddenly abandoned Chu Lian and voted for Chu Tianqi.

He used to be the fiancé of the former eldest princess. If the eldest princess did not die, he would be a son-in-law at best, but now he is Chu Tianxin's fiancé, Chu Lian's only son-in-law, and his son will be the emperor in the future. Why give up such a bright future and turn to the little emperor Chu Tianqi?
No one can guess his thoughts, only know the current situation in the capital city, he has contributed a lot.

King Jin's tall figure appeared in everyone's eyes. He got out of the carriage, jumped off the frame gracefully, turned around and stretched out his hand to Qi Rongyue who came out behind him.

Qi Rongyue ignored him, and she was not in a hurry to get out of the car. She stood on the frame of the car, and slowly looked around with royal majestic eyes in the cold, falling on every minister in court uniform. She didn't say a word, but it made people Everyone was in awe of her.

Not everyone knows Qi Rongyue, and those who don't know her have all kinds of guesses in their hearts, guessing her identity and the purpose of appearing here.

Those who knew Qi Rongyue all had the same surprise in their eyes.

How did she come?What is she here for?Why did King Jin bring her here?

Yin Yixuan stood in the crowd and looked at her from a distance, as if he had just seen the real Qi Rongyue at this very moment, with a noble bearing and no anger.

(End of this chapter)

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