Chapter 643 Sister
Chapter 644

Many things came to mind in his mind. When he was in Pengcheng, Zhongwen's eyes were still not clear. When he saw Qi Rongyue for the first time, he blurted out calling her the eldest princess.

Thinking of seeing her every time, I feel that she is different, her eyes always seem to be looking far away, far away.

Thinking of when he entered the inner palace for the first time, he accidentally saw her coming out of Ziyu Palace.

She is so special, deeply attracted him, so that he can not extricate himself.

He asked her what she was doing, and she said, one day, you will know.

This day, is it today?

He didn't go up to her to ask her as usual. Although she was indifferent, he still enjoyed every moment by her side.

But now, I suddenly have a feeling that I will never have the chance to stay by her side again. At this moment, she seems so unreachable and unattainable.

Xue'er stepped on the footstool set up by the driver to get out of the car, and stretched out her hand in front of Qi Rongyue.

Qi Rongyue withdrew her gaze from looking at the ministers, supported Xue'er's hand, and stepped off the carriage.

From the beginning to the end, she didn't take a second look at Min Heng, and even ignored his hand stretched out to her. She got out of the car with Xue'er, walked through the crowd, and stood at the front of the crowd, where a long red carpet was spread. , she strolled up, stepping on the blanket originally prepared for the emperor, and walked to the end of the blanket step by step, with her back to all the officials, standing upright.

The crowd was very quiet, so quiet that there was no sound of breathing.

Min Hengzhi froze in front of the frame for a while, then shook his head, shook off the disappointment floating in his mind, and laughed secretly at himself for being bored, knowing that she would not accept it, why would he find it boring again, but just now, when he stretched out his hand, he didn't think too much , as if it is a habit, naturally.

He followed her, stepped on the blanket, jumped over the blanket, walked to her side, stood still, and said nothing.

Not only the Yin family was surprised in the crowd, but also Qi Yongchun who stood at the end of the crowd.

He never imagined that Qi Rongyue would appear in front of him in such a way. He thought that she would definitely die in the hands of Chu Lian and Chu Tianxin, and he was secretly proud that he had expelled her family status back then. It's the right thing to do, otherwise I will suffer from it today.

But at this moment, he felt as if he was being played by someone.

Was that domineering, noble and unattainable person just now, who even King Jin didn't care about, really his daughter Qi Rongyue?
What has she been doing this year?Why did she also come today to welcome the emperor back to the city?What is she here for?Why are you standing there?Why is no one stopping her?
He didn't act rashly, and he didn't dare to act rashly. People here, any official rank can crush him to death, and it's not his turn to speak.

A moment later, smoke and dust billowed in the distance, and the sound of trampling horses and raising hoofs rumbled, and the silent officials finally boiled up.

"The emperor is here, the emperor is back!"

Xue'er raised her sleeve to shield the young lady from the oncoming dust, and when the sound of trampling the horse stopped and the smoke gradually dispersed, she pushed Xue'er's arm away and looked at the young man who came at the head.

I haven't seen him for a few months, but he seems to have grown taller. His originally fair skin was tanned to black and red, and his thin body seemed to have grown stronger. At this moment, his extremely strong heart became fragile, and the tears in his eyes kept falling, blurring The immediate sight.

"Sister——" Chu Tianqi walked a few steps quickly, and saw Qi Rongyue standing in front of the red carpet welcoming him from a distance, his eyes couldn't help getting moist.

(End of this chapter)

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